The Ladies vs. the Mullahs – IOTW Report

The Ladies vs. the Mullahs

American Thinker- No one knows her name, but a young Iranian woman waving a white scarf has become a symbol of almost forty years of struggle by Iranian women, protesting the gender apartheid that clerics brought to our country, overnight, in the winter of 1979.  She waved a white scarf in the air as a symbol of peaceful defiance and a campaign, #MyStealthyFreedom, of women fighting for their right to feel the wind in their hair in Iran, the country of my birth.

Freedom Messenger- youtube

The reaction of the paramilitary forces of the regime has not been so peaceful, with this young woman allegedly detained and other protesters killed by the dictatorial theocracy of Iran, which demands that women cover their hair.

The young woman’s struggle is part of a longer battle that Iranian women and men have fought against the Shia clergy’s thirst for power and wealth since the 1840s, when a band of organizations, the Ladies’ Secret Societies, emerged to take Iran back from occupying clergy.  They prevailed with the 1906 Constitutional Revolution that established a secular system of governance and separation of religion and state.  They hearkened back to a secular philosophy that has defined the Persian Empire since the year 539 B.C., when the emperor of Persia, Cyrus the Great, wrote the first proclamation of human rights and separation of religion from the state.

However, a few clerics, like the ayatollah Khomeini, would not give up.  He knew that the Iranian people did not want clerical rule and that he would never be able to take over Iran through a democratic process.  Khomeini needed America’s power and shopped for the support of U.S. presidents, beginning by writing to John F. Kennedy but succeeding only in fooling former president Jimmy Carter’s administration, which took the bait and helped Khomeini take Iran in 1979.

Today, the people of Iran call the ideology that controls every aspect of their lives “political Islam.”  You cannot convince a single Iranian that his dictatorial rulers care about Iran and Iranians.  Khomeini told us, “Iran is only a base and financial source for us to establish the rule of Islam throughout the world.”

The uprisings of the people of Iran, trending now with the hashtag #IranProtests, are nothing new.  The women of Iran have been fighting since the day Khomeini announced the imposition of his regressive sharia law on the people, making the free and equal women of Iran and their children property of men, perhaps better defined as “slaves.”  We marched day after day, in the rain and snow, with little support from the West.  I lost friends to prison, assassination, and exile.  My father begged me to go into exile, and I did, fleeing with my young daughter, tears in our eyes.

Iranians endured eight years of a bloody and inhumane war between Khomeini and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, with an estimated one million young boys and men of Iran dying.

The women of Iran have constantly protested in defiance of sharia laws, to be arrested, tortured, and abused in prisons.

In 1998, Tehran University students rose up in protest, in support of a professor who was fired and replaced by an illiterate, elderly cleric. Keep reading

7 Comments on The Ladies vs. the Mullahs

  1. Just air-drop in pallets of guns -n- ammo to the Iranian Resistance.

    We’ll call it LEND / LEASE. When you take back your gov’t from these scumbags, we’ll send you the bill. I’m sure you have pallets of cash to trade.

  2. Are we seeing what we want to see, rebellion against Sharia law?

    The ayatollahs still have support among the majority poor and rural population — for now. Iran is not a balanced society. There is a deep chasm between the haves and the have nots.

    Much of this latest round of protests is driven by the rampant corruption among religious, political and military leaders. The elation that followed the lifting of sanctions has turned to festering discontent as the majority have seen nothing from it. Instead of prosperity, corruption has doubled down.

    There is a generational schism, with the younger generation tiring of the Revolution and strict adherence to Sharia, however they are not, for the most part, secularists. They remain Muslim, but want Islam-light. They are still just as prone to knee-jerk Islamist extremism, given the proper triggers.

    If Ahmadinejad can remake himself to match this new trend, he could become President again. He is certainly trying to co-opt the movement.

    I do not anticipate Iran turning into the America and Israel loving state it was before 1978, at least not anytime soon.

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