The “Lamest” Generation – IOTW Report

The “Lamest” Generation


A new poll reveals that less than half of American college students think that America is the most powerful country on earth.

A new poll of over 27,000 college students revealed that attitudes about America’s influence around the world may be shifting.

According to the poll, which was highlighted this week by Campus Reform, only 48 percent of respondents felt that America is the most powerful country in the world. 30 percent of respondents claimed that China is the most powerful country, while six percent claimed that Russia deserves that title. Four percent said that the United Kingdom is the world’s most powerful country. More

17 Comments on The “Lamest” Generation

  1. I’m not really worried, right now, about how these assholes think.
    I’ve watched them on Crouder and Jesse’s world. They think and talk like ballpeen hammers. After a fifty thousand dollar a year indoctrination they don’t know shit from schinola about America.
    I’ll bet if most of these were given a Citizens test, fail.
    Used to be, before 1965, that people coming to this country had to pass a real test in English. They also had to prove that the were in good health and were not criminals. Their sponsor had to prove that they would not become “wards of the State.”
    These spoiled little idiots no nothing about America. They have been fed communist shit all their lives and believe it.
    They should listen to Dr. Sabastian Gorka at Keep Fighting.
    I can’t take it anymore.

  2. Take away their cell phones and credit cards. Abandon them in Venezuela. See how they feel 30 pounds lighter with no hope of advancing in a socialist country. Maybe we should start with professors.

  3. The protesters in Hong Kong were waving American flags and threatening to sing Christian songs (in English).
    Our kids having never suffered anything more than microaggressions while never knowing anyone in the military just don’t know any better. They think the 1st Amendment protects them wherever they go and they would have trouble finding these super-powers on an unlabeled map.
    Most will eventually grow up.

  4. Roman. You are correct but remembe, China never relents
    They gave Hong Kong a felling of autonomy but they are about to crack down on this Rebellion
    China never,ever,ever allows this kind of dissent. Ever.
    It’s going to get ugly.

  5. Why do we listen to all these young pricks in Congress.These bitches would be slapped down in a sane country.How can this trash actually have any power in Congress.

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