The largest volcanic eruption since Krakatoa (that the MSM barely mentioned) – IOTW Report

The largest volcanic eruption since Krakatoa (that the MSM barely mentioned)

Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai – likely blew off its top because of a massive build-up of gas pressure.

22 Comments on The largest volcanic eruption since Krakatoa (that the MSM barely mentioned)

  1. That’s a lotta greenhouse gas.

    So everyone but us needs to stop driving their cars for the next 327 years.

    Except in China, because China is diverse, and also pays us.

  2. When someone tries to tell you that the earth is getting hotter because of cow farts, just tell them No, it’s earth farts, specifically Hunga Tonga’s nasty gas.

  3. Trillions of gallons of of seawater were instantly vaporized into water vapor.

    “Water vapor is the most significant greenhouse gas, far more significant for the climate than the CO2 or N2O that the climate fraudsters keep blathering about.”

  4. Ate a whole roasted garlic then had a pizza one time on Santa Monica Pier …
    It kept me waking up at night wondering why the curtains were moving when the windows were closed!

  5. Inulin from the garlic and lactose from the cheese, Harry. You’re either eating to much inulin, or not enough. Next time, try raw garlic to confirm. (Warning should be provided to loved ones.)

    Also, recommend giving up pizza for lactose-free ice cream and Mrs. Richardson’s Hot Fudge! 😉

  6. GM – This was about 30 years ago (and very memorable) when I travelled a lot.
    Road food – good, but not good for you!
    Today I (we) eat very little pizza and next to no garlic unless the food has a little garlic in it.
    The wife buys lactose-free milk which I use for cereal.

  7. So, the Fucky McFuckFace “trust the scientists” who sprayed aerosols from weather balloons to demonstrate their ability to control the climate, did said demonstration during the exponential decay of the Hunga Tonga eruption Climate Cloud™.


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