The Largest Waterfall in the World… – IOTW Report

The Largest Waterfall in the World…

Is underwater. <—How it works.

The Denmark Strait Cataract between Iceland and Greenland is considered to be the largest and highest waterfall in the world.

What it looks like ^^^

10 Comments on The Largest Waterfall in the World…

  1. Hey Dan,
    Very Risky!
    There is a wall reef off Cozumel where a sand waterfall occasionally happens with a big current downward. I think only a couple of thousand feet, but lots of divers have disappeared there.I used to be an avid diver and much more experienced than the young divemaster on a dive when it happened there. I had no dive partner and was following him because the boat almost always picks up the divemaster. He wanted to chase the divers being forced down with no visibility, I dragged him up and fortunately we got everyone back on the boat without being bent as far as I know after they surfaced.

  2. Your boat sink in that mofo
    and your ass ain’t never comin’ back….
    You would be the size of a beanie baby
    maybe smaller when you bottomed out.

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