Hillary Clinton’s worst punishment will be her failure.

hillary wave


Hillary Clinton has spent a third of her adult life trying to become president. All for nothing.

The first time around, she wasted $200 million just to lose to Obama. $11 million of that money came from the notoriously “flat broke” couple. This time around she was determined to take no chances.

Together with her husband she built up a massive war chest using money from foreign governments and speaking fees from non-profits, funneled into her own dirty non-profit and a complex network of unofficial organizations staffed by Clinton loyalists, secured an unofficial endorsement from Obama and carefully avoided answering questions or taking positions on anything. There was no way she could lose.

Now she’s losing all over again.

Hillary has a ton of money, but can’t buy the nomination. She’s spending a quarter of a million a day on a campaign operation with no actual organized opposition to speak of. Even before Biden officially enters the race, she’s falling behind the joke candidacy of Bernie Sanders in key states.  More


  1. Could anyone tell me anything that HRC has ever done in her entire life that would quality her to become President? (Same for BHO). Sadly, government seems to be the only place where people can rise in the ranks and enrich themselves without facing any accountability for failures/wrongdoing. How many of our current “humble public servants” should be in prison right now?

    HRC is the antithesis of what a public servant should look like.

  2. Sorry but failing at this attempt ain’t enough for me.

    She put out Ambassador Stevens travel and security plans on her unsecured server.

    She lied right to the faces of the relatives of those killed in libya while standing over their coffins.

    Her policy has opened up N Africa to be controlled by radical moslims and has exposed s Europe to the influx of 100s of 1,000s of illegals, many 1,000s of whom are without a doubt, ready to die for Allah.

    She used her office to personally enrich herself.

    The list is a mile long.

    She needs to do some serious time as in the rest of her fucking life.

    And her butt boy and his puppet master should be right fucking next door.

  3. It’s too bad that Bernie Sanders didn’t enter the Army during the Vietnam era. He could have gone to OCS, risen through the officer ranks, and today people might have the chance to vote for Colonel Sanders for President! But, I guess he was too chicken…

    ; D

  4. Hillary’s failure to be president is not enough, her incarceration is not enough, taking away all of her ill-gotten $millions of blood money is not enough.

    Complete destruction and disdain of her persona through humiliation and in written history must be added to the above.

    Hillary’s name alone should be equal to Benedict Arnold, Jane Fonda, Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen and the Rosenbergs.

  5. she has no appeal. Her voice is not pleasing. Her appearance is not attractive. Her performance is not impressive. Her message is not resonating and her campaign has been ineffective.

    She legitimately has very little experience yet has more than 0bama had.

    But 0bama did well because he is the opposite of Hillary. His voice is pleasing, his appearance is attractive, he had no performance so people assumed it was impressive, but most importantly his message resonated on the right and the left and he had a masterful campaign.

  6. Regarding mention of “masterful campaign”, I do worry about the election-cheat-machine that’s been perfected by the Left. Mentioned in comments above, we need to pay attention to the vote-counters. The Left will stop at nothing, will of the people be damned.

  7. While I would delight in this woman rotting in jail for her crimes, along with Obama for treason and Bill ( The first black president”), it will never happen. I would be content with the evil wrinkled old bull dyke stewing in acid of her own bile, as she waits for the angel of death to visit, by failing miserably at attaining her ultimate goal. Piss be upon her.

  8. I saw a license plate, YES A LICENSE PLATE, here in The People’s Socialist Quagmire of CA that said this:


    I wanted to take a photo but I was driving alone and the light turned green too fast.

    Trust me folks. If she gets the nomination, there are still zillions of knuckle -draggers that will pull the lever multiple times for Hillary. Even if the progressive press decides to tell the truth about her criminality.

  9. Tim, that is because they choose to be willfully politcally asleep and choose not to think about the ultimate ramifactions of their leftward thinking. 100% agree, stupidity comes in all shapes colors and sizes!

  10. A year or two in Room 101 … then the gin mill.

    Never knowing when, or if, she’s gonna get one in the back of the head.

    Shuffling drunk and piss-stained through the streets in a bath robe, mumbling about “being a contender” and trying to entice dogs to lick her …

  11. How about a lifetime of her having to wear the equivalent of one of those “dog barking collars” – the things that give a shock whenever it gets too loud – except it’s her laughter that sets it off…?!?

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