The Last Real Comedian On Earth? – IOTW Report

The Last Real Comedian On Earth?

16 Comments on The Last Real Comedian On Earth?

  1. Just because I just recently bought a book of Dad jokes. Do robots have sisters? No, just transistors. I am probably going to give it to my son since he’s starting to tell dad jokes to my 3 year old granddaughter and she thinks that he’s being funny, for now at least. Why not tell dad jokes, they’re probably more funny than most so called comedians are nowadays.

  2. geraldo said that ar fifteen owners have small dicks.

    why get upset when they say such things?

    just respond with the truth. that the leftist gun grabbers are homosexuals and those with homosexual tendencies.

    watch their heads f’n explode.
    they can dish it out but they can’t take it.

    i dream of a day when conservatives won’t be chickenshits and they’ll actually say these things.

  3. Each person has to draw their own line delineating between edgy and icky. I don’t find pedophile jokes particularly funny and I’ve lost all patience with the bogus double standards for using the “N” word. Given its history and hurtful nature, I would prefer it being totally removed from the lexicon of everyone, period. Spittle flying outrage feigned when it surfaces rings hollow when black comedians, stuck in the ’80s when Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy made a career out of its usage, still think it is edgy and hip to incorporate it their stand up sessions. Culture’s change, it’s not funny anymore no matter who is saying it.

    I always like John Pinette, RIP, and Jeff Allen still works for me;

  4. @Gladys do what I did and get the 30 day free trial and cancel like I’m going to do after 3 weeks…won’t cost you a dime and Chappells show alone is worth the time to sign up and cancel


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