The Last Thing We Need Is Planned Parenthood Involved with Sex-Ed – IOTW Report

The Last Thing We Need Is Planned Parenthood Involved with Sex-Ed

The Federalist

A sex-ed curriculum developed by an offshoot of Planned Parenthood to teach children about abortion and radical gender ideology is being imposed on school districts across red-state Idaho.

The curriculum, called “Reducing the Risk,” is a project of the nonprofit Education, Training and Research (ETR) developed in partnership with Planned Parenthood and already deployed across 16 states, including Idaho. More

Someone, explain this to me, a quote from the “In-clued” information sheet, “LGBTQ youth have higher teen pregnancy and STD rates than their heterosexual and cisgender peers.

The higher STD rate I can understand, but higher teen pregnancy among the LGBTQ? – Dr. Tar

7 Comments on The Last Thing We Need Is Planned Parenthood Involved with Sex-Ed

  1. “The higher STD rate I can understand, but higher teen pregnancy among the LGBTQ?”

    Apparently they include taking a shit right after anal.

    I wonder if any of these morons have actually had an intimate relationship with some one the actually have feelings for. You know, made love.

  2. There is a much higher promiscuity rate among the LGBTQ crowd. I have worked with members of LGBTQ community. They all wanted everybody to know of their exploits and anonymous sex with unknown partners.

  3. “LGBTQ youth have higher teen pregnancy…” Dirty little secret, maybe. just maybe, teenagers who claim to be LGBTQ don’t routinely take birth control and have unprotected sex with both sexes.
    Most teen hormones are raging. Having sexual encounters are unfortunately common among teenagers.
    Add a mental illness like being LGBTQ and the lack of impulse control is off the charts.

    Since LGBTQ teens are not being told they must be responsible for their behavior (anything goes) pregnancy and STDs occur.
    The fantasy that having a LGBTQ lifestyle doesn’t have consequences gets destroyed by reality.

  4. No matter how the race-hating Margret Sanger’s PP twists it and regardless of how the longtime KKK associate Joe Biden tries to hide his history with the hate group past and present, it’s still about their scheme to exterminate blacks, browns, and ethnic people.

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