The Latest NYT Spin of DOJ IG Report on Alleged Obama-Era FISA Abuses Is Downright Pathetic – IOTW Report

The Latest NYT Spin of DOJ IG Report on Alleged Obama-Era FISA Abuses Is Downright Pathetic

Townhall/Matt Vespa:

It’s all over, folks. It’s settled. The Federal Bureau of Investigation did not spy on the Trump campaign in 2016…The New York Times said so. Right, the liberal New York Times has declared there was no bias and no spying concerning the upcoming inspector general report into alleged FISA abuses under the Obama administration. If you think this is true, then words have lost all meaning. We’re debating distinctions without differences here—and even the Times’ own reporting on this saga seems to suggest that, yes, the FBI tried to spy on the Trump campaign. You can’t polish a turd and the liberal media has been so appallingly bad covering this White House, you simply should just their pages to wipe your backside. It has more utility in that regard. We don’t believe you, folks. I sure as hell don’t, even though I admit that this paper has, at times, written some great stuff. Hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut, but this spin is trash. The FBI didn’t spy. They just sent informants to covertly glean information from those who were with the Trump campaign and relaying said information back to the FBI. Sounds like a distinction without a difference, huh? Bloomberg’s Eli Lake certainly thinks so.  

The first slice from this rather large anti-Trump deep state pie was when Stefan Halper, a known CIA operative, tried to establish contacts with three Trump officials—Sam Clovis, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page–which was further elaborated on when “Operation Crossfire” was revealed. The Times can explain, but talk about burying the lede here [emphasis mine]: READ

8 Comments on The Latest NYT Spin of DOJ IG Report on Alleged Obama-Era FISA Abuses Is Downright Pathetic

  1. The FBI did not spy on the Trump campaign.
    The FBI did spy on the Trump campaigners.
    Got it.

    They’ve been polishing that turd so energetically and for so long I’m surprised they have anything left to polish. There’s really nothing left but the stink.

  2. If the New York Dimwit Propaganda Outlet says so, the opposite must be true! There must be a contaminate in some New York Kool Aide. Only selective people exhibit symptoms.
    Most are in public office.

  3. In the past ten years the number of people who read newspapers has declined significantly. The only people who still read the NY Slimes for their news are already brain dead liberals, who think like this:
    “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.”
    – Pauline Kael (Film critic for The New Yorker magazine)

  4. Scent of msNPC texting trails:

    So BBC, msNBC and Michael Rubens Bloomberg Devil Advocating Data Collection Agencies collected Interweb Chatter not very happy with themselves. They reportedly are saying they will be starting with somebodies tongues. Whatever that is suppossed to mean. Just passing it on.

    Oh, they also are reportedly saying they are pissed at Dick Richard Engel for crying like a bitch and blowing his isis cover when reporting on Baghdadi. And they want Bill Neeley too just for being an asthmatic mouth breathing wanker boi.


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