The Lauderdale Shooting Video Has Been Released – IOTW Report

The Lauderdale Shooting Video Has Been Released

I’m not going to host it.

Here’s a link. It’s not graphic. It’s depressing.

12 Comments on The Lauderdale Shooting Video Has Been Released

  1. The FBI talked to one of the Tsarnaev brothers, and later he sets off a bomb. They interview the San Bernadino shooter before he goes on a killing spree. Same thing with the Pulse nightclub shooter. Now we find out that they had previously talked to this clown. WTF?

  2. @Refuse Is the FBI incompetent or are they hamstrung by the rules they have to function under by the Obama admin? Can Trump come in and say, “knock this sh*t off and do your jobs they way you are supposed to.”

    I can’t watch the video.

  3. Gee whiz, what a coincidence.
    Senator Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, introduced a measure to the Florida Judiciary Committee Tuesday (SB 140) that would repeal laws forbidding guns on college campuses, ….in airports terminals…. and at government meetings.
    My oh my, what a coincidence.

  4. Dear Innocent Muslims.
    One day one of your Muslim Hillbilly Retards is going to fuck up big time and kill a whole lot of Americans.
    Then it will be you who will pay the price.
    If I was in charge, every Muslim Hillbilly Retard that commits a terror related crime, gets 10 of his non citizen relatives deported, and ALL their possessions confiscated.

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