“The Lawfare made me a Trump supporter” – IOTW Report

“The Lawfare made me a Trump supporter”

Free Thinking: The Grifters are red-pilling Americans by the day.

Six years ago, I stood a few feet away from Joe Biden at a fundraiser and was certain he was the only person who could save this country from Donald Trump in 2020.

However, by the end of the election, I would leave the Democratic Party for good. I saw them as corrupt, too powerful, and dangerous to the very democracy they now claim they want to protect.

Now, I wake up every morning in a panic that our last best hope of ending the monopoly of power on the Left rests on the imperfect shoulders of Donald Trump.

So I guess that finally makes me a Trump supporter.

It was a long, slow slide that started with simply humanizing Trump and the MAGA movement and believe me, just that alone upset my friends and family. They’re evil, they believe, because that’s what the media tells them every second of every day. more

10 Comments on “The Lawfare made me a Trump supporter”

  1. Well obviously, Basha, you haven’t heard the mesmerizing tale of Biden’s Uncle Bogey, as told by the bard himself. You’ll be back in the fold in no time at all once you hear that, or maybe the latest iteration of Biden’s Boy Beau.

    Really, how can a niggling thing like lawfare get you so wound up? I think you were just looking for an excuse. For crying out loud, he called those poor migrants animals! And the bloodbath! And the fine people! Don’t forget them!

  2. Thirdwin
    THURSDAY, 18 APRIL 2024, 8:28 AT 8:28 AM
    “Well obviously, Basha, you haven’t heard the mesmerizing tale of Biden’s Uncle Bogey, as told by the bard himself.”

    …maybe next time he can claim his Uncle Bogey was a colonel, and that he had his own theme song because his story so inspired the British at the river Kwai, one of the many places his son Beau died, in the same battle that Pedo Joe himself gave another uncle the Purple Heart for…


    …word has it Pedo is looking to hire that same bridge crew to rebuild the Baltimore one he used to fly a train or drive a truck over, he can’t remember which…

  3. “… he was the only person who could save this country from Donald Trump in 2020.”

    From what, exactly? What did these TDS sufferers think? Or did they think?

    Joey Biden has been a corrupt POS since the beginning – a liar, a plagiarist, a thief, using his office to benefit himself and his family, and a traitor – how could he save anyone from anything?

    I just don’t get this sick hero-worship.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. As obviously stupid as this person is that she couldn’t use logic and reason to realize the evils of the globalists and democrap party and to see through the gaslighting of the lamestream media before 2020 I see value in this article to hopefully wake up more gaslighted people before they vote this year. It tries to open peoples eyes without damning them for being so stupid.

  5. Trump supporters know he’s imperfect. We know we’re imperfect.
    Last perfect man was Jesus.

    Liberals think they’re perfect and so are their Borg leaders who tell them what to think.
    It’s lazy.


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