This should be a Trump campaign Ad, running in all 7 swing states.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 11, 2024
Fantastic mashup from RNC
28 Comments on The Leader of the United States Cannot Be This->
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I stopped it at the 1:09 mark. I can’t take another 4 minutes of watching that dweeb. The RNC outta be ashamed of themselves for making fun of a dementia patient. That’s some scary stuff – just a minute did it for me. 🙂
The sad thing is that the video could have been much longer.
They took it easy on us.
“The RNC outta be ashamed of themselves for making fun of a dementia patient.”
I’m MADE IT to a Clip
Snap Crackle and Pop
Thank You Mr. Santa
I have the exact same forbearance duration as you, @Goldenfoxx, 1:09. Then the pain became too great. Please, someone, anyone, put him out of his and our misery. Memory care or nursing home would suffice. Not that long ago I would have wanted him in prison but he’s close to the point where he wouldn’t understand what had happened to him. Now I just want him out of the picture.
There are plenty of others I want in prison, though. My list is long, very long.
Nuclear Codes, might be a tad confusing. The demoncraps still talk about how President Reagan was forgetful. No, don’t feel bad pointing out the obvious. Not my Commander-in-Chief.
Like it or not, that is the perceived leader of this country. I think the gallows humor implied in this should be turned up to 11 (thank you Nigel Tufnel). All ridicule at this point is warranted. Fuck us all for allowing this to happen and not caving in some skulls when it was warranted. Fixing what ails this country cannot be achieved through civility, especially considering how it was founded. Some level of destruction must be embraced or all is lost. To borrow a line from that inspirational little ditty Damage, Inc….”Fuck it all and fucking no regrets.”
There should be dates on when those videos were recorded. That would help show how long and how recent this has been happening.
Let us say
There is no expiration date on the internet
And many I saw LIVE
“This should be a Trump campaign Ad, running in all 7 swing states.”
The RNC will never spread that far and wide much less give that to Trump. He’d just get pilloried again for mocking a disabled man.
Besides, this feeble-minded husk of a President is the Democrats’ albatross. Let them explain to their voters why they have to get rid of the 81,000,000 vote guy, and make them oust him all by themselves. Don’t even mention impeachment anymore.
Hell, maybe they’ll keep him. Great. Can’t wait for the debate, assuming he makes it through the convention. Anyway (to use Joe’s favorite word) the drug load required to keep Biden semi-lucid onstage will kill him or incapacitate him permanently.
Trump needs to watch out for himself. Desperate people can do extremely evil, stupid things. Even more than what they’re doing now.
I didn’t even watch it all.
I’ve heard better comments from mummies, even trees that were stumped.
As far as making fun of him;
Those worthless-pieces-of-shit that continue to put biden out there are more than asking for offensive comments.
GWB said, “ts not who votes that counts. – it’s who counts the votes! DOMNION!
All those folks in the graveyard were counted by GWB’s Canucks! Every dad body !
Shouldn’t that be a mushup?
I hate to say it, but I think I’d prefer Old Joe over Newsome or Moochelle. Not that I give a flying fig about any of them.
He is going to be replaced, which renders this video moot.
But there is plenty of ammunition with open borders, poor economy, overseas wars/spending, just for starters.
Love the sad music.
Think your boresighted
Pull your head up
Gotcha boss
Jill should be beaten like a rented mule for elderly abuse.
I don’t feel any pity for that rotten old man! All I have is scorn.
When they pull his plug everything can then be his fault along DJT according to them.
And they will tell you only the Dems care and can fix everything. They just need to insert the next leftist dummy.
I still think Trump will win even with all their cheating, but they will light the world on fire as soon as he does. Very dangerous from November to January.
Sorry but I have nothing but contempt for all Biden’s and their corrupt political party. That includes his master, Barack and the Clinton bitches.
This is pathetic. The left, and whoever is actually destroying the country have gone completely off the rails. Are they so deluded to believe the American people do not see their complete insanity?
The people who were (and still are) responsible for this piece of American-hating trash, and coup, and the on-going deliberate destruction of our country should be collected (as we already know who they are), convicted, and publicly beaten to death in front of the entire world.
The RNC should title the ad “Anyway.”
@Brad: It was snark what I said.
We all realize, of course, that the entire World is pretending that this perverted demented moron is President of the United States?
Let that sink in.
We have accepted the results of an obviously stolen election.
We are pretending that the Republic still exists.
We are hoping against hope (and all common sense) that those who facilitated the electoral fraud will now hold a fair election.
Does that seem, even remotely, feasible or rational that we should ignore what’s clearly in front of our faces? This pathetic stooge, this empty husk, this puppet, is being paraded around the World as our President! We should be ashamed.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Many of you may be asking, how did we get here? Well, we got here with the complicity of the elected republicans.
It does make me wonder who’s actually the president-in-reality. This demented fool certainly isn’t.