The Left Adopts Offensive Term for MAGA – IOTW Report

The Left Adopts Offensive Term for MAGA

The left is offended by words… until they use them.

Keep in mind that I am not offended. I’m just pointing out the left’s continuing audacious hypocrisy.

The new term is Magaloids.

HT/ The Dolpher –

He said,

Heard a Harris-endorsed ad on Audacy online radio this weekend listening to football pregame shows.  It was a black man telling other black people that Trump and his ‘Magaloids” would take them backward or some such nonsense.  My point is that they used the term Magaloids to describe us.  I have only heard this online, but this could be reminiscent of Hilary’s ‘deplorables’ moment.  It was for me.

I will keep listening to 93.7 The Fan to see if I can get you more details. 


I called people mongoloids way past its fresh date. I used it because my mother continued to call special needs children “mongoloids” in complete earnest. She had no idea it was offensive. Her naivete’ was offset by my pointed use of the rotten term.

That the left uses it cavalierly after they have made canceling of words and expressions a sport is throat-punch-worthy.

27 Comments on The Left Adopts Offensive Term for MAGA

  1. The left are hypocritical scum. They word play an outmoded term, “mongoloid” for people with Down Syndrome to use as derogatory political phrase.

    A term used for people with Down Syndrome who appear to look Asian because of the shape of their eyes.

    Irony is lost on the left.
    “Magaloid” is not only an attempted insult to MAGA, but also is insulting to the developmentally disabled and an entire ethnic group, given the original frame of reference.

    They don’t care. The left’s insane hatred for the right crosses over to showing they have no regard for anyone. They are warped, petty and heartless in nature.

  2. My terms for them;

    Geoff, I like that CCP, historical as well as hysterical.

  3. These six things doth the LORD hate: Yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, Feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, And he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV


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