The Left—> Beware of This SCOTUS Pick Pic!!! – IOTW Report

The Left—> Beware of This SCOTUS Pick Pic!!!

The left hates this guy now that he’s been chosen by Trump. wrote an entire article about how bad he is!

Too bad it’s not Kavanaugh. It’s Hardiman.

You think maybe they were ready to call anyone Trump picked a NAZi, a fascist, a monster and a racist?


10 Comments on The Left—> Beware of This SCOTUS Pick Pic!!!

  1. They don’t care if it’s the wrong picture or not. That wont stop
    these unhinged idiots from stomping their feet and pitching another fit. POTUS lives rent free in their heads. MAGA!!!

  2. I have a fairly regular routine where I go to the bar for lunch. I eat with all kinds of people the left utterly despise, like farmers.

    After greeting everyone, I sat down next to an old farmer I’ve gotten know well and we started to shoot the shit. It wasn’t long before the midday news was talking about Kavanaugh. Old fella says to me. Those fcuking idiots, they already were bitching before the nomination was known. All they had to do was fill in the name!

    Keep flying over, goofs!

  3. I love how the Left had pre-printed signs on hand for ALL FOUR candidates last night! Talk about astroturfed….

    They couldn’t care less *who*; if it’s not “their guy,” they want to destroy him.

  4. I live among them. They are programmed to have a hissy fit on command. They think they are on the cutting edge, but couldn’t be any less of a trendsetter if they wanted to be. Damn few of them have ever expressed an original thought.

  5. Uncle Kink.
    Not only is Trump living rent free in left tards heads, he’s claimed the top bunk and is now charging them rent.
    Next he’ll be giving them a scrub brush to clean up the semen soaked mess on their brain floor.


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