The left can’t math – it’s why they are on the left – IOTW Report

The left can’t math – it’s why they are on the left

listen to this total embrassment-

24 Comments on The left can’t math – it’s why they are on the left

  1. …there are 44,242,975 registered Democrat voters in the United States according to Rassmussin. A short drop hanging requires 6′ of new rope for each person according to traditional practices.

    So how much rope will be needed to ensure our Country is never again stolen by perverts, thugs, and America haters in our lifetime, allowing for approximately a 10% loss during their capture?

    …remember, you need to order early, to be ready for November…

  2. $500Mil / 331Mil (pop of USA) = $1.51 per person.

    If mailed at $0.49 postage it would cost almost 163 million to send enough to but a third of a cup of the Starbucks coffee she drinks.

  3. ignorance is strong w/ ‘progressives

    this was put up as a graphic in dumb-assNBC & it had to go thru editors, graphics people, producers, directors … couldn’t a cameraman, soundman have pointed out the glaring error?!?!

    … & these idiots believe they are our betters … I wouldn’t hire any of them to dig me a hole

  4. Kcir,
    Postage now 55 cents. Costs $11 for a book of 20 stamps, which would have been a total of 60 cents at 3 cents a stamp, which it was which I was growing up.

  5. I had to buy stamps when I was in Navy boot camp in 1972 so I could write letters home at .08 cents apiece for a total of $1.60 for 20 stamps and I believe that since I didn’t use all of the them and the last time I looked I in my old letters and such I still had a few left over.


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