The left can’t take it when Biden/Harris are disparaged – IOTW Report

The left can’t take it when Biden/Harris are disparaged

What Trump endured makes this look tame, yet, the left is outraged.


26 Comments on The left can’t take it when Biden/Harris are disparaged

  1. Awww, did this hurt tough-guy, ready for anything, regular Joe’s feelings?
    Perhaps Doctor Jill can urge him to just swallow.

    Kammallalla can just shrug it off with a cackle, it went over her head anyway.

  2. I carry Post-it notes and a pen with me for the occasions when I come across a magazine cover with PedoJoe and/or Cumala Whorris. I write “whore” or “pedo” and stick the notes over their faces. They sell Post-its with the poop emoji on them, I will have to get to some of these to stick on the magazines instead. Lefties are so easily triggered.

  3. Here’s the difference:
    – They hated President Trump because he was very competent and helpful to America
    – We hate Biden and Harris and Obama because they are incompetent and destructive to America

  4. This Jeannete Flame whines about kids seeing the billboard and parents having to explain it, but I am sure she has no problem with boys in the girl’s changing-room or how parents have to explain to their children that they are evil just because they are white.

  5. That’s rich.

    Democrats don’t want children exposed to….

    Give me a break. There isn’t enough capacity on the world to house a litany of filth and degeneracy that Democrats demand children be exposed to. Go soak your head ya’ lying sack of shit.

  6. Like those kids the Democrat tool mentions never heard anything worse than “rats” as cuss words.
    Ya a bit vulgar. Not as bad as what you self righteous leftists still say about anyone outside the hive mind. Don’t like it? Take a different road.

  7. “We don’t think kids have to see that”
    Coming from the ame crowd who encourage 4 year old kids to change sex and come out as trans.
    Spare us the phony outrage.

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