The left cheers the Trump Tower fire – IOTW Report

The left cheers the Trump Tower fire

24 Comments on The left cheers the Trump Tower fire

  1. Dr. Tarr & Professor Feather.
    All spelled out in the goals of communism
    as entered into the congressional record 1963.
    “Take control of psychology & psychiatry”.

  2. Geronimo fought armies of Mexico and U.S. after massacre and scalping of his family, took decades to surrender, shot more than 50 times. We need more Geronimos, less talk.

    Chief \%/

  3. So I Just googled Rick Wilson. He comes up as a “Republican Strategist”. Is that wrong? if so please let me know. If it’s correct, this asshole needs a blanket party.

  4. Vietvet
    He was on full on smart ass attack for Trump signing the Omnibus. Which really bothers me. Either you understand Trump or you don’t. Him and freaken Ann “Dynomite” Coulter. Woods tweeted something to the effect “You just lost your net election”. I don’t appreciate asshole that don’t understand the battle at hand. So fuck Jame Woods. And yes I told him so on his FB page.

  5. I’m shocked they haven’t been bombing Trump hotels all over the world since he was elected.

    Projecting vulgarities on the side of a building here, and a white powder scare there but no bomb threats that I’ve heard of.

    This is who they are. All of these people cheering and joking about this should be fired before Meet The Press comes on.

  6. i recall the Woods tweet. Thought he was wrong too.

    Evil is correct.

    These liberals are driving all the normals to Trumps side with their callousness and pure, demonic hatred. Nothing other than satanic.


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