The Left Claims Twitter Didn’t “Censor” On Behalf of Government – Biden Was a “Private Citizen” at the Time – IOTW Report

The Left Claims Twitter Didn’t “Censor” On Behalf of Government – Biden Was a “Private Citizen” at the Time

What a pant load.

They also claim Biden simply asked for pictures of Hunter’s penis be removed.


Sure. Sure, that was the issue.

13 Comments on The Left Claims Twitter Didn’t “Censor” On Behalf of Government – Biden Was a “Private Citizen” at the Time

  1. joe6pak
    DECEMBER 6, 2022 AT 1:41 PM
    “Honesty is a trait that is completely unfamiliar to politicians and especially libs.”

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

  2. they want to make this about sex and drugs
    people love that, so they seed the msm with it and that is what they will talk about.
    and there is no talk about hunter’s corruption with foreign, and unfriendly, governments.
    how about they start reporting on hunter/ukraine/china?
    and let’s get pelosi’s and kerry’s kids involved in that conversation.
    no, they’ll talk about dic pics

  3. The take away is that the WH is obviously lying, so it is confirmed to us that there are more dire reasons and they don’t want the truth to be known about those other reasons. O’Blowme and his puppeteers did this to us over and over again, and in the end proclaimed his regime had “no hint of scandal.”

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