The Left Desperate NOT To Have a Conversation – IOTW Report

The Left Desperate NOT To Have a Conversation

Remember when Holder said we were a “nation of cowards” afraid to have a discussion about race? Who was he talking about?

Don Lemon invited Sheriff Clarke onto his set to discuss “how to keep police safe.” When Clarke offered his opinions Don Lemon kept insisting that he was having a “different conversation.”

Clarke’s advice was to crack down on the hateful, vitriolic and false narratives of the BLM movement. Lemon countered that Baton Rouge had nothing to do with BLM. Clarke disagreed. He said the hateful movement has stoked the flames of hatred for police officers around the country.

Lemon kept interrupting, acting as if Clarke was off topic.

This is the state of leftist journalism. You invite a guest onto your show to offer their opinion, if it’s not your opinion you panic and cut the person off from talking.

Lemon was getting destroyed in the debate and chose a despicable route in order to gain the upper hand. He started acting as if Clarke was dumb and delusional. He made faces into the camera and looked to the crew as if to say, “can you believe this guy?”

He adopted a patronizing voice people use when dealing with someone mentally ill.

This is a low point for the left.



20 Comments on The Left Desperate NOT To Have a Conversation

  1. I’m looking forward to hear Clarke’s speech at the Repub Convention-he chewed Lemon up especially when Lemon tried to use false stats.

    I loved Clarke’s open display of distain right from the start. This is the guy that should head up the Civil Right’s Division in the DOJ.

  2. So Don Lemmon dismisses a Harvard professor’s research published by the NBER? What research does he find significant?

    What an ass.

    Good for Clark for bludgeoning this idiot and to keep beating the rhetorical crap out of the jack ass.

  3. There will never be a conversation about race because like all other topics, if you disagree with the leftist, the topic will quickly turn to why you’re a racist.

    Here is your conversation Eric Holder.

    Left: Do you side with BLM?
    Right: No. All lives matter.
    Left: You are a racist.
    Right: How can you support BLM when it turns a blind eye to black on black murders.
    Left: That’s a racist position to take.
    Right: Statistics don’t lie.
    Left: That just proves statistical methods used are racist.
    Right: More white people are killed by police year after year compared to blacks.
    Left: No the percentage is higher compared to population like the incarceration rate. You’re argument just proves your racist.
    Right: Well blacks on average commit far more crimes than other races that’s why they are incarcerated at a larger percentage.
    Left: RACIST!!!!!
    Right: Well look at what Bill Cosby said about the black community a few years ago, he ain’t white.
    Left: Cosby is an Uncle Tom racist who stabbed his own race in the back to pander to white racists.

    So why do I want to engage in a futile exercise like this when beating my head against a brick wall is a much better option.

  4. CNN has become a soft spoken “Der Strumer”. “”journalist working for CNN” now means “Apologist for a racist ideology calling for the murder of LEO”.

    Its a good thing Obama has had the last 8 years to have been working on racial healing because, had it not been for his efforts, we surly would have had Helter Skeleter (as foretold by Chuck Manson) by now. Or, police being murdered in the streets- is that what Obama meant by “fundamentally changing America”?

  5. It requires unbelievable courage and integrity to be an unabashed and vocal Republican and Trump supporter –but much much much more so to also be black. Sheriff Clarke is amazing, and BRAVE , lets hope he has a very visible presence in the Trump administration.

  6. It was not a fair fight. Lemon is a brainless twit.

    Sheriff Clarke is an amazing American. Thank God, for him and his sanity.

    Wouldn’t it be great, if he became a prominent Trump administration member!

  7. Clarke is a registered democrat. I would vote for Clarke in a heartbeat.
    I don’t vote for parties, I vote for who best represents me.
    Clarke’s duties are policing. His views represent my own.
    He gets my vote.

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