The Left Does Not Know This – IOTW Report

The Left Does Not Know This

49 Comments on The Left Does Not Know This

  1. Ask a libtard to explain the difference between AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) electricity and watch its head explode.
    Then explain rectified AC and watch it turn into vapor.

  2. well, since no one can practically get around on these things, particulary if one has to travel over 25 miles daily & they’re going to mandate them for us as the primary source of transportation …. & they’re already shutting down the grid in various places …

    no one will be able to drive, PERIOD!

    ergo: zero emissions! … problem solved

  3. Jethro, in the late 60’s we had a “battery charger” that supposedly worked for alkaline batteries.
    Of course it was worthless.
    Not sure of the electrical premise behind the device?
    It’s a wonder our house never burned down.

  4. @Loco
    We had one also. It worked somewhat, but could never bring a zinc/carbon dry cell battery back to full charge. They were also prone to exploding if you tried to charge an alkaline battery.

  5. I miss the days of battery acid that had leaked out in the “battery drawer.”
    Or opening the battery compartment of a beloved toy only to see the carnage from the acid.
    Good times.

  6. Does anyone besides me remember the old lead acid car batteries that we had to check to make sure the battery level was full by putting distilled water in it like we did at my dad’s gas station back in the 60’s and 70’s. And the one thing you never wanted to do was smoke around those old lead acid batteries because the fumes could be very explosive. Six-volt car batteries in older cars sucked, if the battery ran low, you were really SOL.

  7. Had a young buck, that had recently graduated from my HS alma mater, show up at my door to get me to change my electric plan over to a “green” one. I explained how they weren’t really green and that the windmills constantly killed birds-of-prey while we would get heavily fined if we had one feather from one.

    He actually took the position that the birds are stupid for flying into the blades, so it’s their fault.

    I told him Bryan Adams HS has done a dis-service to him if he thinks that’s an intelligent thing to say and that school must have seriously lowered it’s standard for graduating people.

    I was careful to pick my words and not directly say he was stupid yet tell him he was stupid. It went right over his head.

    Ok. You’re selling snake oil. We’re done. See ya later, dude.

    Had to tell him “adios” at least four times before he stopped waving his arms pretending to be a stupid eagle flying into a blade.


  8. Do you remember seeing old VW beetles that had a fake key on the rear of the car that you could pretend to wind the darn thing up to start it. I’m probably really dating myself with this one, but I can remember seeing fake keys on the back end of old VW beetles back in the early 60’s.

  9. @ Geoff

    Yup. I remember the keys. They even went into the early 70s here in Big D. I thought they were funny.

    My first car was a 68 beetle I bought in 73 with 80,000 miles on it. Cars were considered old at that range. I spent $120 to re-do the valves and I could chirp the tires hitting second gear afterwards.

    I told people to yabba dabba doo it when I hit the gas and put their palms out to slow me down when braking. You could lean left and right to steer it with no hands on the steering wheel if your tires were in good shape.

    We had a lot of fun in that car.

  10. Now I now this Joe down in Mexico
    He went there to work on his tan
    For years he’s been plugged into blenders and songs
    They call him the Twelve Volt Man…

    He don’t need no charge card
    Just give him a Die Hard
    And he’ll makes sparks fly ’round your head…

  11. geoff
    “Does anyone besides me remember the old lead acid car batteries”
    You still need to top off lead acid batteries. They just made it really hard, they just want you to buy a new one.

  12. @ LocoBlancoSaltine MR mom
    Liberals never get the joke:
    “You gonna wire that room for 220?”
    “220-221, whatever it takes…”
    I didn’t get that joke when I saw that movie, but I was like 12 at the time soooo
    MR mom

  13. .
    Six-volt car batteries in older cars sucked, if the battery ran low, you were really SOL.
    That’s what popping the clutch was for Hope fully you were parked near the top odf a hill.

  14. LocoBlancoSaltine
    SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 AT 9:51 PM
    “Liberals never get the joke:
    “You gonna wire that room for 220?””
    “220-221, whatever it takes…”

    …friend of mine once said he joked with his then-40 year old wife that he was going to trade her in for two 20s. To which he claimed she replied that “You’re not wired for 220”.

    Not sure how true the story was, but I do know he had a stroke, died, and his ex-wife and wife and girlfriend got in a fight at his funeral that had to be shut down by the cops.

    Seems like the voltage gets higher as the ladies get older.

    And the breaker kicked in rather late.

  15. A decent lead acid battery can last over 10 years. It’s the gel batts and the AGM batts where you are lucky to get 6 years when the winters get cold.

  16. seaoh, I spent an entire summer popping-ze-clutch on a Nissan 4 cylinder 4 speed. 15 years later I had to do the same thing on a Yamaha RD400 that had no starter.

  17. I knew we passed the point of no return when I started seeing solar “generators” being hawked on diy channels on YouTube. A battery pack and a small photovoltaic panel the size of a trickle charger panel is just a big battery pack you have to plug in to charge. The pv panel is just enough to keep the battery topped off — a trickle charger. There are units with fold-up 100 watt pv panels. Woo-hoo.

    At this point, I’m not too sure that even a mass die-off will be enough to wake people up from this climate hysterics nightmare.

  18. ’62 VDub here. The 6V system was always slugish PITA in the winter. I’d use the 12v Diehard from the boat as a jumper. With everything off I would give it a 12v jolt for about 2 seconds, remove the jumper cables and crank it up. Worked like a charm!

  19. “Some batteries, like alkaline, actually do create electrical energy due to the chemical reaction that takes place when you complete the circuit.”

    Probably won’t solve the EV charging issue. Also, Perpetual Motion is also impossible.

  20. My dad had a ’63 VW. We lived right at the top of a hill at the time. In the winter he’d put the car in gear and use the starter to get it over to the hill so he could coast and pop the clutch. I still remember the sound of that car starting up on two cylinders then the other two catching on those cold winter mornings as he drove off to work.

  21. “Some batteries, like alkaline, actually do create electrical energy due to the chemical reaction that takes place when you complete the circuit.”

    “But batteries DO generate electricity through chemical reaction.”

    Argument purely for the sake of argument. A junior high school loser trick. fill a Tesla up with AAs and drive away and see how far you get.

  22. I bet that little elf bastard Fauci couldn’t explain a fucking sine wave.
    Cocksucker milks the taxpayers 450K a year and knows science bureaucracy, not a fucking iota about practical applications.
    I really want to punch the rat-bastard…

  23. Something to note. Gas vehicles batteries when they catch fire, don’t burn “…like 4th of July fireworks…”? .
    Suspect these cars were hybrid or fully electric. Typically, gas powered cars smoke, flame up and engulf quickly, but no “fireworks”.

    Electric vehicle fires are extremely dangerous. .

  24. Exactly, LocoBlancoSaltine. Got a number of first responders in the family. I pray for them everyday.
    The left cause nothing but destruction – such evil fools.

  25. 99th, I will pray for them as well.
    The past few years have been outrageous and stupid.

    I am also grateful for your presence on this site.
    I can be such an ass and you are such a bellwether of sentient longitude.

    BTW, is it too early to listen to Christmas themed songs?

    This particular one I am listening to tonight for inspiration…
    (Funny because it was 113 here in Vegas today!)

  26. The attention seekers need to stop in Ellensburg to charge their toy cars in order to get home to Seattle. The charging station is at the Taco Bell and I have seen the smug fuckers try and con others into believing they actually don’t mind being stuck there publicly masturbating.

    Fuck that shit. I buy a vehicle to serve me and my kids, not the other way around.

  27. Thanks, LocoBlancoSaltine for the compliment and prayer support. God’s our only help now.
    Mutual admiration. I appreciate your wit, ire for the ignorant left and your extensive knowledge. iOTWr is the perfect place for no nonsense people who know the truth.
    BTW, very nice “soothiness” music. We can find kindness and the Christmas spirit even during these perilous times.
    Have a wonderful day!

  28. Looks like the lefty lame dundliberals, who are all born scratching their heads while emitting an audible “duh”, will freak out when they (eventually) learn that their vacations and trips via jet fuel will be no more. Would be interesting to see a jetliner operate with “solar power” or battery. lol

  29. Looks like the lefty lame dunderhead liberals, who are all born scratching their heads while emitting an audible “duh”, will freak out when they (eventually) learn that their vacations and trips via jet fuel will be no more. Would be interesting to see a jetliner operate with “solar power” or battery. lol

  30. “But batteries DO generate electricity through chemical reaction.”

    STORAGE. The energy is STORED in the atomic structure and loosed by the chemical reaction – just as in a nuclear reaction the energy is STORED in the nucleus and loosed by the nuclear reaction. The statement “Batteries do not make electricity, they store electricity made elsewhere.” is entirely valid.

    The totalitarian GreenNazis would have us believe they can get something for nothing – all that is necessary is that we end civilization and submit all power into their greedy hands.

    A story as old as the first maggot who noticed a Lunar eclipse and exclaimed that some magic dragon was eating the Moon and the only way to stop it was to make him supreme commander/shaman/medicine man/whatever.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  31. 99th Squad Leader
    SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 AT 1:49 AM
    “Something to note. Gas vehicles batteries when they catch fire, don’t burn “…like 4th of July fireworks…”?”

    …in my experience, they tended to boil and blow out. They did start fires, but usually in damaged wire somewhere else. The best were top terminal batteries, which aren’t that popular any more, up in the front driver side where they don’t put them any more. This is because the car was prone to crumple there and make contact with the terminals, welding them to the hood. This would boil the battery until it exploded, making it difficult and exciting to open the hood.

    In my day, we carried between 500 to 1500 gallons with us depending on the unit, even the smallest of which was generally sufficient to put out a flaming car. Now, you need copious amounts of water, more than most pumpers carry, so you’re either going to need a hydrant (non-existant on a highway for obvious reasons) or you’re going to have to futz around with a tanker shuttle.

    And even then you need to tow and store special, because they are VERY prone to rekindle.

    These were mostly after my time, but here’s what the kids have to deal with today…

    …month’s worth of potable water on ONE fire.

    I’m sure that’s good in drought states.

    Where they seem to be the most popular…

  32. Fossil fuels wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the solar radiation fueling life millions of years ago. Therefore, fossil fuels are solar energy. it’s science.

    The earth is a big beautiful battery.


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