The left does not like or welcome fairness – this gym policy is a prime example – IOTW Report

The left does not like or welcome fairness – this gym policy is a prime example

Snap Fitness has a completely fair policy. They will not block any television channels and customers, as they arrive, are handed a remote so they can control what programming they wish to view.

This is unacceptable to the left. If Fox is allowed to be viewed they issue an ultimatum.

This is why you never want a leftist in power.

ht/ u/Cocoblanco

11 Comments on The left does not like or welcome fairness – this gym policy is a prime example

  1. It isn’t Fox news. Progs are just miserable sons a bitches to begin with. Knowing your life still sucks and you are still as big a piece of shit as when you went to bed is what makes every morning unpleasant to wake up to for most progs.

  2. The ideological progenitor of the American left is Marxist/communist. Thus the internal demand that anything that disagrees with the leftist must be silenced. If they are allowed to do so, the left will happily open up death camps for those who disagree.

  3. Here’s an observation I recently made. A prog’s goal for 2020 was to not feel like a piece of shit (her words). And fellow progs were all enthused and supportive.

    Ol’ JD sitting there minding his own business. Observing and thinking: that impresses me as putting the cart in front of the horse. Prog doesn’t want to change it’s life and no longer be a hate filled piece of shit, but prog wants to no longer feel like a piece of shit.

    It never fails: Progs always want something for nothing.

  4. “Because gyms are full of liberal twatwaffles?”

    Do you even lift Bro?

    I belong to SNAP. It’s great, always open. Gym pecking order: Really big MoFo’s, usually conservative. Because they had to work hard for their gains.
    You’d be hard pressed to find a monitor at my SNAP that wasn’t tuned into FOX.

  5. @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 4, 2020 AT 3:00 PM

    That is exactly how it goes w/tolerance. Progs want to get their virtue signal on by telling everyone how tolerant they are. Regular, well adjusted, human beings are the tolerant ones and they don’t make a big deal of it.

  6. “Because gyms are full of liberal twatwaffles?”

    Our Anytime Fitness here in beautiful North Idaho is full of MAGA hats and Fox on the treadmill TV’s. If a commie/libtard was to show up they’d pretty much know to not complain.


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