The Left Does Well With the Dead Voter Bloc – IOTW Report

The Left Does Well With the Dead Voter Bloc

The left will whine, “how do you know these votes are being cast for the left?”

Simple. We want voter ID laws, you don’t, nuckfutz. Who do you think is cheating?

See the fraud HERE

19 Comments on The Left Does Well With the Dead Voter Bloc

  1. Have only been following subject 20 years or so. Do not recall ONE suspicious election where truck loads of ballots came in after pols closed, and shazaaaam, a republican won. Every single election where a democrat won, with newly found ballots, had more democrat votes than registered democrats.

  2. A 50 year old relative with Down’s Syndrome lives in a group home with others just like her. Bumper stickers on employee’s cars tell you who employees favor. Relative is not able to communicate; barely grunts, cannot read, has never been educated. She is now a registered democrat voter. When Administrator confronted, administrator very defensively rebutted “everyone here has the right to vote.” With Oregon’s mail in ballot system, this crime easy to commit.

  3. Channeling the franchise from the Great Beyond!

    Case(s) in point of how mail-in ballots are EXTRA ripe for vote fraud. And the 2016 presidential election in Colorado is going to be ENTIRELY mail-in. Dems, of course, were the movers and shakers for the legislation behind this shitty postal voting scheme.

    CO voters start receiving their ballots more than THREE WEEKS before election day — less time for Hillary’s ongoing implosion to affect the vote.

  4. Greetings,
    The fraud will occur when the votes are counted/miscounted according to how the vote counter has been adjusted to reflect the desires outcome. For example, Republican votes count as democratic votes until their candidate is elected.

  5. Greetings,
    The fraud will occur when the votes are counted/miscounted according to how the vote counter has been adjusted to reflect the desired outcome. For example, Republican votes count as democratic votes until their candidate is elected.

  6. The Left will steal it by just enough of a comfortable margin to neutralize the landslide but leave it just plausible enough for drones to hoot that she actually, honestly won.

    If on the other hand the slight margin goes the other way, there will be no end to the Left’s litigation challenges.


  7. Billy Fuster. Gregoire stole the next election the same way. In 5 precincts more ballots mysteriously appeared out of thin air. In all precincts new found ballots were for the democrats. In a few precincts new found ballots for democrats were greater than registered voters from both parties. No wonder the democrats are opposed to cleaning up the system. Start with voter’s finger prints and pol workers fingerprints.

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