There are many things that are wrong with the above sign, and some things that are right.

Firstly, the SCOTUS ruling removes discrimination, it doesn’t compel it.
Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.
If you’re NOT employing someone because of these characteristics it is discrimination.
People who participate in affirmative action, by force or voluntarily, are discriminating against people because of their ethnicity. How the left cannot see that is one of the wonders of the world.
Secondly, as far as businesses are concerned, the left was already not serving MAGA patrons, which is far more egregious than what the right has been taken to court over. There is a big difference between not allowing someone to buy goods off your shelves and not wanting to design a cake celebrating your gay marriage.
You can buy my cake, but don’t force me to decorate it with a message I do not believe in. Even before the SCOTUS ruling on college admissions, what are the chances that the person who posted this sign would have produced custom-made MAGA merchandise?
Thirdly, meritocracy scares the crap out of the left. Not because of short-term ramifications, but for long-term ones. Sticking someone in a university because of their skin color and not their brain matter will spit out a designer citizen that supports the left.
Over time, a meritocracy will force people to be truly educated if they want to get ahead. How do you get ahead with degrees in “black grievances” if that industry dries up?
Universities are just Dutch Rudders. They turn loose minorities with degrees that can only be used in either the same University (by becoming a professor in black studies, lesbian studies, etc.) or politics.
It needs to end.
Well stated!
I’m all for businesses like this one dropping their mask. It simply makes it easier for me to tell who deserves my business and who doesn’t.
In business, discrimination isn’t good for the bottom line but to a truly moral person, a clear conscience is worth more than money.
So when the plumbing bursts and the MAGA plumber you call sees that sign and walks away, leaving you ankle deep in your own shit then you are OK with that…
^^^ Not you BFH – the libtard with the sign…
“It needs to end.”
“Sticking someone in a university because of their skin color and not their brain matter will spit out a designer citizen that supports the left.”
Which is precisely why it WON’T end – they’ll find a work-around – or simply call it by a different name – or do it on the sly.
You can’t prove a negative – they don’t have to justify a “Rejection” notice – all that’s necessary is that the Admission maggots shut the fuck up.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act needs to be found unconstitutional as well. That would permit any sort of discrimination. And yes, I think that anyone who wants to discriminate based upon skin color, or religion, or sex, or even who you voted for should be able to. Of course that person or business may have to bear the consequences of being called on it, as extremist orgs like KKK currently are (but not antifa). Freedom of Association means freedom not to associate. And the rest of the 1964 Act is fine, because it applies to governmental organizations, but Title II applies to private business.
Idiocracy was a prophecy.
“Idiocracy” was a documentary.
Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary have wildly different definitions of Dutch Rudder.
California is already doing a ‘workaround’, using language spoken to discriminate. Sorry for the long post.
“The application period will last four weeks, beginning June 29, 2023, and closing July 27, 2023, at 5 PM PT. Non-profits, Resource Conservation Districts, and the University of California Cooperative Extension are eligible organizations. New this year, CDFA is offering a higher maximum award to organizations that will serve farmers and ranchers to provide services in languages other than English: up to $150,000 per program. The maximum award for English-only grants is $90,000 per CSA program.
“Since the passing of AB 1348 and AB 2377, the OEFI program has been steadily working to modify their programs to better serve socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, through robust technical assistance and stakeholder engagement,” said CDFA Farmer Equity Advisor Thea Rittenhouse. “This new round of funding with a higher allocation for technical assistance organizations serving farmers and ranchers who speak languages other than English represents a positive step toward continuing to address the tenets of AB 1348 (the Farmer Equity Act of 2017) and the recommendations contained within the Farmer Equity Report, and an important step CDFA is taking to address language access and direct support for farmers and ranchers who speak languages other than English.”
They don’t want my money? Okay. Who sells the same stuff and does want my money?
Joe Biden
AT 4:44 PM:
“California is already doing a ‘workaround’, using language spoken to discriminate.”
And I’m sure Eubonics will qualify as a “language other than English.”
Well, if they were actually smart, they would be conservatives. So…
Marooned AT 5:38 PM
They don’t want my money? Okay. Who sells the same stuff and does want my money?
Exactly, but enjoy that they reveal themselves so you can direct your spending so you don’t support the haters of America and God.
Personally, I’m good with seeing blue, pink, green dyed hair. Thank you for signaling yourself out to the normies. Saves a lot of time and lessens the risk.
Tony R. , it’s called ‘African American Vernacular‘ here. Our language arts teacher manuals at my school district have a whole section on it. Crazy times.
Comprehending a SCOTUS opinion is not expected of a population that doesn’t have what it takes to understand the difference between boys and girls.
Your terms are acceptable.
The left knows exactly what the SCOTUS ruling means. They want and need power to force their communist pedophile agenda on society. Some of that power was just removed. That is what they are angry about. “The meaning of peace is the removal of everything that stands in the way of socialism.” – Karl Marx