The Left Enjoys The President Boarding Air Force One With TP on Shoe – In Other News, Hillary is STILL NOT PRESIDENT – IOTW Report

The Left Enjoys The President Boarding Air Force One With TP on Shoe – In Other News, Hillary is STILL NOT PRESIDENT

This is worse than when Trump stepped in a pile of Obama.

26 Comments on The Left Enjoys The President Boarding Air Force One With TP on Shoe – In Other News, Hillary is STILL NOT PRESIDENT

  1. It’s a sad day in this nation when a PROVEN RAPIST gets to rape his way to the Supreme Court where he can CONTINUE TO RAPE WOMEN with his RAPIST IDEOLOGY and tries to STOP OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO INDUCED STILLBIRTHS!!!


  2. That residue shown on the bottom of President Trump’s shoe is what is left of the democrat (communist) party in America during the “PTE” (Post Trump Election) era.

    Cassandra – I recommend a heavy dose of ibuprofen or something much stronger (such as a mega-dose of fentanyl) to relieve your terrible pain …. being so stupid as to believe what you posted above can’t help but be excruciatingly painful for anyone to suffer through.

    Kavanaugh was never even accused of rape by anyone with the slightest shred of credibility including that pathetic, lying excuse for a human being known by many brain dead morons as “doctor Ford”.

    Apologies in advance to “Larry the Liberal” if Cassandra is just your gender-fluid alter ego that you’re posting under these days.

  3. haha! I once attached about two feet of TP to my shoe before entering a weekly staff pow wow at Very Large Software Company in Redmond just because I was sick of Mondays and wanted to make everyone laugh. They did.

    That was later followed by joke head arrows and nose glasses. True or not, I’m going to believe POTUS Trump has my sense of humor and irreverence for self-importance.

  4. Toilet paper hell, that was a letter sent by Obama pleading for Trump to personally intervene for the release of Moochie who’s currently being held at the Cincinnati Zoo.

  5. Seriously doubt it’s TP. But it’s funny nonetheless. Something additional for the Left’s “not Presidential” list. Enjoy that list. Not tired of Winning here!

  6. If it is TP, it is just more evidence that he has been kickin’ someone’s ass
    finally, tangible evidence of something- he’s showing the demoscats what it looks like

    VETO beto


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