The Left Field Tests a New Smear – IOTW Report

The Left Field Tests a New Smear

Red State

So what’s the new word, you ask?

Here’s your answer: Christofascist.

That’s right, folks. If you’re reading this, you’re likely a conservative/libertarian type, so this article is to let you know that to progressives, you are a Christofascist seeking to assert your religious morals on the rest of the nation — whether they like it or not.

Leftists have begun using this word far more often lately. It started near the beginning of May. Now, progressives on social media are throwing around the word like candy spilling from a beaten pinata. More

38 Comments on The Left Field Tests a New Smear

  1. I use the terms “sense-aphobic” and “sensists” to describe leftists. They are either afraid of common sense or they hate common sense. Either one fits

  2. Oooooooo! So they’re trying to invoke a holy war here?! Got news for them: game, set, match! Finally, a method of war against the Left that I’m completely prepared to fight — itching to fight. I may have to get cross earrings to match my necklace for this. If they mess with me, they’re going to WANT to meet Jesus. LOL! C’mon all you Christian warriors! It’s on.

  3. My dad used to say, “You can call me anything as long as you call me for supper.”

    Since I’m not on social media nor do I interact with those types of people, I doubt I’ll ever actually be called that.

  4. I have bad news for the left God wins, they lose, it’s as simple as that. No weapon formed against me shall prosper no matter how hard they try to intimidate me into abandoning my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. The left has nothing has nothing to fall back on but even more lies and bs straight from the devil as they always have before. And the left loses every time. Just like Elijah and the false prophets of Baal who couldn’t come up with an answer from their false god no matter how hard they tried to wake him up by wailing and moaning and cutting themselves etc. I love Elijah’s taunt of these knucklehead prophets, to paraphrase, “Is your god on vacation and can’t hear you or is he using the bathroom and can’t be bothered right now.” That has got to be one of the ultimate taunts and mockery ever used by a prophet of God to call out those who worship false gods like Baal.

  5. Who say that God doesn’t have a sense of humor? Throw it back in their faces and mock the hell out of the left just like they do to us with Saul Alinsky’s lies and bs. And be the way Ol Saul dedicated his book Rules For Radicals to Lucifer, the father of lies.

  6. Since I’m one of those nonsensical words that means nothing, I’ve got something to say to liberals, faggots, abortionists, liars, etc., I say this to them as we believers watch:

    The Sixth Seal: Terror–Book of Revelation

    …15Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. 17For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”…

    Believers don’t have to shove anything down anyone’s throat, the Bible is readily available for those who wish to read it. As a believer, I only repeat what the Word says, not my words. For centuries, liberals have tried to destroy the Bible, it still stands and will forever.

  7. Smear? Throw shit against the wall, see what sticks! Old boss same as the old boss. Your on a sinking ship, no we will not save you! Your lifeboats are “holy”, good luck with that.

  8. “Christofascist”:

    We knew it was coming. We were told. It’s in writing.

    Just another step in the process of the end times.

    I smile when people hate me for being a Christian. Means I’m doing it right – As long as I haven’t committed any sins against God in the mean time.

    That’s the hard part of being a Christian in the end times.

  9. Christ terrifies them.

    People who believe in the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights terrify them.

    Christian Conservatives petrify them.

    Good. Let them be petrified. And die.

  10. @ Jethro MAY 30, 2022 AT 4:11 PM

    Look up subsidiarity ? I can’t even spell it, but OK.


    “This tenet holds that nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organization. In other words, any activity which can be performed by a more decentralized entity should be”

    Exactly why the feds should back off on so many of their programs. From The Dept. of Education, to all charity groups dedicated to helping their fellow citizens.

    No Gov employee can possibly care for their fellow man as much as a non-profit org staffed by volunteers that truly care about the problem at hand.

  11. We know who the real fascists are you slimy prog cunts. If Christianity wasn’t mostly run by Marxists, dikes, and faggots, then you’d really know what “God’s Wrath” was all about.

  12. Regarding the hatred toward others…

    I was once in a position to ask for food assistance and was told by the, obviously, black woman answering the phone – THIS PROGRAM IS FOR BLACK PEOPLE ONLY!!. While not true, I really got the message how tilted things were.

    This was 1986 while I was crippled from a back injury and had a wife with 3 children to feed and support. The youngest being 2 months old. That black woman hated me that much – just because I was white. My family could starve as far as she was concerned.

  13. Hey righty-tighties you think your god is better than WHAT! He saved all those repubican kids right! Eatshit mofos, your abusing religion just like you abuse the Constitution, on a daily basis, sad motherfers!

  14. “A fool says in his heart there is no God”. Psalm 14:1. That assumption by leftists condemns them and the deceitful games they play prove it. They are truly threatened by the Truth.

    Wise men know foolishness is unsustainable – “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice” -C.S. Lewis

    Doesn’t matter what the left calls Christians. Only the left and their followers believe the lies.
    Consequently, as mandated by God, Christians who know God must share the Gospel to dispell the lies of the left and reduce the number of people lost in Satan’s trap. The world has and can continue to greatly benefit from a Judeo-Christian culture if applied.

    “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 26:2
    A great truth concerning the current state of destructive affairs brought on by the left’s ideology.

  15. Oops – Proverbs 29:2
    BTW, AMEN- geoff the aardvark and Goldenfoxx.

    Dadof4, Christians who stand with Christ get hit by fiery darts from the enemy. Thank God He gives us armor to withstand and His grace to go forward in victory.
    I’m sure God stepped in after your encounter with that witch and performed miracles on your family’s behalf.
    More than likely the racist has experienced payback – if she hasn’t repented. However, some people just choose not to be redeemed. Might be the case for a racist witch.


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