The Left Gets Canceled – IOTW Report

The Left Gets Canceled

Red State

This is what the left wanted. They wanted a world where people get publicly and professionally punished for the things they say. Further, they wanted the standard to be so low that people could get fired for simply speaking basic truths, such as that men can’t become women. But now, the very same left wants to pull back that standard to include supporting terrorists who shoot up music festivals. 

Yeah, no. That’s not how this works. The left wanted these new rules, and they will be made to live by them. These are the same people who shouted down conservatives on college campuses for daring to believe in basic biology. Getting fired for supporting Hamas isn’t technically cancel culture, but even if it were, I’d still be all for it. More

10 Comments on The Left Gets Canceled

  1. For someone who is circling faster and closer to the drain, I feel extremely fortunate to have seen this country at its best. The liberal idiocy and moonbattery is snowballing to a point that makes me glad that I will miss it.

  2. I just can’t see why the left is so enthralled with the muzzies; they’re anti gay, anti abortion, anti women’s rights, but they keep right on apologizing for them.

  3. I saw today that the IDF completely destroyed with a missile strike the only Planned Parenthood in Gaza. Good for them. Maybe it’s divine payback for Hamas beheading innocent children. I hate Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis and all the rest of the pisslamic terrorists including Iran. It’s time for Israel to go fully Old Testament on these barbaric bastards and utterly and totally destroy every last damned one of them.

  4. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:
    #4 Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules
    #5 Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense (etc)


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