The Left Has Embraced nonWhite Supremacy – IOTW Report

The Left Has Embraced nonWhite Supremacy

The American left has accelerated in the past couple of years a disgusting belief – that white people are the embodiment of all the evil in the world.

It’s easy to figure out why. Paradoxically, if it weren’t for white people the white left would rule the country, having already bought the votes of minorities.

If enough white people succumb to white guilt and vote left, America will become a Marxist state.

Nice essay here

8 Comments on The Left Has Embraced nonWhite Supremacy

  1. I remember the first episode of Black’ish.
    A white woman teacher said of white people, for no particular reason,
    “we’re the worst.”

    When they can produce statements like that with no backlash tells me everything about our future.

  2. Perhaps look at white people’s past to get a glimpse of the future. White people could decimate various ethnicities in short order simply by cutting off food and medical supplies to people who do not produce their own. Here at home, the same could be done. No food stamps, EBT, public housing, medical cards, etc. Game over. Does the racist left really want to go down that road?

  3. It’s hard to build a black supremacist army when you
    Murder most of your troops before they are born.
    As for them showing any signs of being supreme at anything other than in sports the preponderance of the evidence doesn’t support their high opinions of themselves.

  4. Attila the Hun was Pure White, as was Genghis Khan, The black plague should called the Great infantile White Plague, Othello was supposed to be white, so was Shaka Zulu, extremely infantile!

  5. Yes, white people are so damn evil!
    We developed electricity, clean water, light, trains, airplanes, cars, telephones, computers, thousands of various chemicals to increase crop production, decimate pests and disease, heal the sick, just to name a few things we created. Our crime was sharing these things with all peoples regardless of color, nationality or creed.
    Before petroleum was produced in the mid to late 1800s, the population of the world was about 15% of what it is today. Our white mentality in cracking the code in petroleum to release hundreds of thousands of uses for petroleum provided a healthy life to billions of people and we’re the assholes. I get it.
    And don’t even start with the crap: “Black/Mexican/Asian people invented things too!!!”. Yes that is true but they did in inside of a white culture.


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