The left hates Americans and America – IOTW Report

The left hates Americans and America


21 Comments on The left hates Americans and America

  1. I watched and heard the USS Cole do her sea trials off Camp Lejeune after she was repaired. I have also seen the USS New York with WTC steel laid in her hull doing the same. I have zero use for anybody that denigrates out brave military or takes any action to harm them.

  2. This is one of most despicable acts in recent memory.
    Heads should roll, literally.

    Daniel Greenfield is one of the greatest minds writing today. Besides his articles, like this one, he also blogs as Sultan Knish.
    It’s worth adding to your must read list and checking it out now and then.

  3. It infuriates me beyond belief that we let Russians barrel roll out planes, buzz our ships and do NOTHING but we free those who have killed our military men and women.

    What a treasonous bastard, Obama is.

  4. won’t read it, not surprised

    my family’s life matters, obama and family do not matter to my life

    i wish for the obamas to feel the full import of the policy of the insecurity chaos caused by the policies that equate to uncontrolled borders (with isis penetrating alongside cartel monsters, illegal murderers and pedophiles) and unprecedented racial divisiveness, care of obama and co

    i will not turn over my guns while alive, they are needed more now than ever

  5. It all makes perfect sense when one finally accepts the fact that
    O’bunghole is a true enemy of the US to the core. Actually he’s more of a tool, a weapon wielded by our true enemies.

    Some folks are still self deluded about all this it seems..

    And umm, sorry but.. get ready for queen Hillary next. Woot.

  6. Did anyone notice the president say, “The end of the republic has never looked better,” during his smart ass remarks at the WH Cirrespondents’ dinner? This after the despicable comedian finished denigrating the laughing jackass, right there for all the world to see. What a criminal freak show this administration has been.

  7. The Obamas never miss an opportunity to stick their finger in the eyes of our vets and those currently serving and sacrificing for their Country. And, Mrs. Obama is on NCIS tonight pretending to be concerned about vets finding jobs. What hypocrites. Shame on her and NCIS (a once great program) for allowing her.

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