The Left Hates Freedom – IOTW Report

The Left Hates Freedom

State Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) has introduced a bill – SB1424 – to require California web sites to submit all material to state “fact-checkers” before posting: 

You know, like like in Communist China. – @JustinRaimondo.


The left hates freedom and they believe people cannot “fact-check” on their own. Wait, scratch that. They are afraid their normally ignorant voter base WILL fact-check. They don’t want that. They would much rather run information through their state approved act-checkers and kick out information that threatens to expose their lies.

An interview with Thomas Sowell, performed by Dave Rubin, comes out Monday. In it Sowell reveals he was a Marxist.

Rubin asked him what changed his philosophy.

Sowell answered quickly.



Many might simply dismiss this as yet another example of the fruitcake fascism that has taken root on the left coast but the devil is in the details.

While the bill targets only social media that is within the state of California that would include all of Silicon Valley…

If Pan’s bill manages to make it into law, then you might as well kiss any free speech on the platforms of any of the big social media and internet companies that are headquartered in California goodbye.


21 Comments on The Left Hates Freedom

  1. “This bill would require any person who operates a social media, as defined, Internet Web site with a physical presence in California to develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared on its Web site. The bill would require the plan to include, among other things, a plan to mitigate the spread of false information through news stories, the utilization of fact-checkers to verify news stories, providing outreach to social media users, and placing a warning on a news story containing false information.

    ***WARNING*** this news story contains false information!! California is not a STATE. It is a SEWER.

  2. It’s unconstitutional as a law that abridges the freedom of speech under the First Amendment. A phrase commonly used in this regard is “a chilling effect on speech.” And though this is a proposed California law, the First Amendment applies to the state government through the 14th Amendment.

    It may also backfire on the leftists. So far as I am aware, sites like Facebook have not been declared public forums which, if Facebook is deemed a public forum, will adversely impact the ability of that company to regulate legally non-offensive speech (usually pornography) on its site. This public forum principle is used by those petition gatherers who pester you when you leave Target, and could conceivably be applied to Facebook who would then be unable to censor Diamond and Silk.

    Finally, for the internet sites themselves this would be a nightmare. Note that the state is not offering to foot any part of the bill for employing fact checkers or other persons to implement these plans or perform fact checking, and California sites would conceivably be subject to substantial claims if they fuck up – which they will. Facebook would be worried not only about the cost or the litigation, but also by any potential emergence of a competing social media platform based in another state. Hey, remember when MySpace was the social media juggernaut? Facebook does.

  3. Folks like Brad notwithstanding, the impression the rest of us get of California is the same for people who have migrated/invaded red areas: when they hear of this they won’t care. If they think about it at all, they’ll assume (correctly) that the only people affected by the law will be those they disagree with…the fact that they disagree being the de facto proof that those others are false and in need of silencing.

    I’ll bet my house this bill passes into law, then in other leftist states.

  4. grool

    If it weren’t for small densely populated areas, LA, and SF, California would go Conservative. But they have the numbers. They even have over a million illegals that can and do vote. It sucks.

  5. Hey how about asking the Democrats this one— How will blogs and websites that support Dems who are competing for office, or bills, get ‘fact checked’? That means only one favored candidate gets all the publicity, right?

    Who gets to fact check the Libs who are voting for and supporting different Dem candidates?
    That depends on who silicon valley wants, right?

    Oh and how about this one. What if the next gov of California is a Rebpublican? A Conservative or a Libertarian? Are you Dems so sure this ‘fact check’ is going to work in your own favor 100% then?

    Censorship fucks EVERYBODY. And not in a good way either.

  6. MJA,

    They probably haven’t thought that far ahead, because I think we’re all pretty sure the intent is to silence every shred of information (read that as “truth”) that threatens the Left. Which means Leftist websites will get a pass because…by virtue of being Leftist, they cannot be fake news.

    What I’m still unsure on is what the teeth are. What happens to blogs, say, that cannot or will not comply? I probably read right past it without noticing.

  7. “How’s that Moonbeam Train coming along? LOL.”

    Ever heard about the Delta Tunnels? It makes the train to no where look like a joke. What do they accomplish? Draining all Northern California of it water and sending straight down to communist held territory. Not to mention it will kill arguably one of the best fisheries in the nation.


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