The Left In Action… Inaction – IOTW Report

The Left In Action… Inaction

23 public schools in Baltimore where NONE of the children understand basic math.

Parents blame Dem-led city’s ‘fraud and corruption’

  • Project Baltimore analyzed school test results, and published the conclusions
  • The team found catastrophic failings at 23 schools – 10 high schools, eight elementaries, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools
  • In the 23 schools, not one student passed their grade level math: a Baltimore parents on Monday said she was angry at the failures 


Twenty-three schools in Baltimore are failing their students, according to a new analysis – with not one student at the institutions reaching the required level in math.

A mother whose son is attending one of the institutions said on Monday she was furious at the results, which she learnt about on the news.

Davida Allen said she was angry the CEO of Baltimore Public Schools, Sonja Santelises, was earning a base salary of $333,125 – which rose to $444,875 with allowances – yet students were still failing.


She keeps them dumb in math so her raise cannot be calculated.

I have no sympathy for the parents. They vote left and see no cause and effect.

18 Comments on The Left In Action… Inaction

  1. But, in Amerikka, failure gets you all the freebies.

    If they were allowed to feel the real consequences of their choices, they’d learn.

    God made us to feel pain for a Reason. Because he loves us.

  2. No worries. The kids HAVE been successfully taught that it’s Whiteyz fault, so the skule can just keep doing what they’re doing as they continue to stoke the fires of ethnic violence and getting a pretty decent pension for doing it, too…

  3. 2+2=5, doncha know and if you try to prove it otherwise, you’re a racist, sexist, a bigot or a homphophobe etc. because you’re not with it in indoctrinating kids into believing a lie. Thank God we didn’t have participation trophies when I was in public screwels from 1959-1971. I know my math and my ABC’s and the illiterate fools in Baltimore don’t know diddly squat evidently.

  4. A year or two back, Baltimore had that HS student with a GPA of 0.13 and was 62nd out of 120 in his class. He passed 3 classes in 4 years and his momma was mad that he wasn’t graduating.

  5. This is not new news. Baltimore schools have been this bad for years, and every so often this same story pops up, generates a moment of outrage, then its business as usual.

    They should raze the schools, salt the earth, and start over with charter schools only–no public schools and no hiring any teacher from any of those 23 schools.

  6. Does that mean that nearly 50% of the remaining students were functionally illiterate and stupider than this ignorant moron who had a GPA of 0.13? It looks to me like the schools in Baltimore should be given a F grade as well as all the dumbass students that totally failed to gradiate from high screwel.

  7. in my MD county, our public-school system’s newly hired superintendent started a new program last year to give 20 students that showed grade ‘improvement’ from the 5 High Schools, along w/ the 5 Principals, for $344,000 of taxpayer $$$ to attend the Stupor Bowl, all expenses paid!
    when he got called out by the county commissioners, he exclaimed it proved ‘excellent benefits’ for the students when he ran the program in Michigan

    btw, the school board was 5 D’rats last year … this year, during the election for 2 board members, both winners were republicans
    … baby steps

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