The Left Insists Carly Fiorina Is Imagining A Planned Parenthood Undercover Video – IOTW Report

The Left Insists Carly Fiorina Is Imagining A Planned Parenthood Undercover Video

Watch Carly Fiorina describe a video she saw that the left says doesn’t exist. Then watch the “fictitious” video.

What does Fiorina get wrong? She says she saw a fully intact live fetus, legs kicking, while a former technician does a voice over where she describes being asked to procure the baby’s brain by cutting through the face.

Again, what salient point does Fiorina get wrong that allows the left to call her a liar?

18 Comments on The Left Insists Carly Fiorina Is Imagining A Planned Parenthood Undercover Video

  1. The same ones that are saying Carly is lying are the same ones that would not dare watch a second of these videos. Seeing this one makes me very angry. Hearing any lib try to defend this video just shows they are the sickest disease on this planet.

  2. I wish you would have warned people about the contents. I detest abortion and Progressives, and would have taken your word for them lying about Carly. But this breaks the heart of this grandpa of six.

  3. I know a woman who gets so disgusted that she turns off the TV!

    I told her that that doesn’t make it stop.

    Thinking happy thoughts and watching the butterflies cavort won’t get these usurpers, child-murderers, and totalitarians out of DC and the State Houses.

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