The Left is Despicable, and Their Constituency Would Naturally Be Morons Who Buy Their Lies – IOTW Report

The Left is Despicable, and Their Constituency Would Naturally Be Morons Who Buy Their Lies

16 Comments on The Left is Despicable, and Their Constituency Would Naturally Be Morons Who Buy Their Lies

  1. Liberals have long believed that some sick child molesters are very fine people, like the Big Sniffer himself.

    Who are they trying to fool? The most foolish amongst us.

  2. Lose again, you betcha. Hell he’s just fine, same ole same ole. Threatening everyone & everything like the toddler who’s toys were taken away for being bad.

  3. We have 3 major big problems. 1. The illegal invaders don’t give a damn about anything except their free shit! 2. The uninformed masses just believe Orange Man Bad! 3. We haven’t done Jack Shit about voter fraud! 3 strikes and you’re out!

  4. I forgot number 4, the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS in the biteme administration are doing everything they can to register to vote all the ILLEGAL INVADERS!! How are we going to stop this?

  5. When he loses in Nov, oh he will any crazyass bitches that want to believe his Jim Jones end it all, the spiked kool-aid is 2 the left. Say what you will, to follow a mentally ill fuck down the rabbit hole, your on your own. Threaten the rest of us, we will take you out like yesterday’s trash.

  6. Illegals invaders, thank fuckhead Abbott for distribution of them all over America derp! Why the fuck didn’t he send them back. Damn boy you r one stupid more on.

  7. A Jehovah’s Witness once quoted the bible to me in a similar fashion to that advertisement. It’s always weird to watch people playing “word search” to make a point.

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