The Left is Going to Regret Giving Their Violence a Free Pass – IOTW Report

The Left is Going to Regret Giving Their Violence a Free Pass

Washington Examiner

When it comes to political violence, the Left has a problem.

The Right likewise has a problem, but there’s no shortage of commentary regarding this exact topic. In fact, even the federal government is laser-focused on violence from the Right. In contrast, left-wing violence in the United States tends to go largely unnoticed, if not unpunished. More

12 Comments on The Left is Going to Regret Giving Their Violence a Free Pass

  1. “The Right likewise has a problem, but there’s no shortage of commentary regarding this exact topic.”
    Well now that’s bull shit. When we were young my old man, a WWII vet, use to tell my brother and I, if I ever catch you starting problems I’ll kick your ass. If I ever catch you running away from problems started by someone else I’ll kick your ass. I’m thinking we weren’t the only two raised that way. The left has no fucking idea what’s coming. But it is coming.

  2. The article starts with abject horseshit about right wing violence. There is no equivalence what do ever between individuals who are marginalized by Constitutional conservatives, if not told to get the fuck out and the leftist pieces of shit that are not only welcomed within the progressive movement, but encouraged, promoted to leadership positions and lionized. I got that rar and quit.

  3. Conservatives have said this for 63 years! Has not happened yet! Ronny said UNIPARTY would regret canonizing the brutal thug Mario Savio and hi s”Goons at the Gate” 1964! Cal about 35 years ago beatified this thug by naming the entrance to Sproul Hall “Mario Savio Steps”!

    At best wishful thinking. At worst just plain dumb! UNIPARTY has protected violent liberals for at least 63 years; maybe forever!

  4. JD – The article starts with abject horseshit about right wing violence.

    Correct! Who raped, robbed, killed and burned our cities down a few years ago with the approval of the democRATz in the National Socialist Party??

    Horseshit is right!


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