The left is into redefinitions… how do they like this? – IOTW Report

The left is into redefinitions… how do they like this?

30 Comments on The left is into redefinitions… how do they like this?

  1. I almost used mine tonight.

    Our neighbors have a yappy little dog. Something like a Pomeranian. It wandered onto our property tonight and was barking its fool head off and wouldn’t stop. What an obnoxious little dog.

    I finally charged him and hollered get your dog off of my property.

    That makes me a curmudgeon. Right?

    After a long and frustrating day at work I just want to escape to the peace and quiet of my country home.

  2. PHenry
    Neighbor had a Chihuahua that would run out and bite your ankles when you walked by. I chased it all the way around the house. It still barked at me, but it did it from under the car.
    Another neighbors dog would beeline to my bushes out front to pee. I laid a coil of wire on the the top and hooked up an electric fencer. It peed on them just one more time.
    If you haven’t grown up in the country, you may not know what peeing on an electric fence does for you.
    Live trap, take it to the pound.
    BB guns are good for training.

  3. I love my dog but it must keep in it’s yard and home.

    That’s why I paid $ 4,000 for a fence…I don’t find fault with yee about straying dogs.

  4. My Chihuahua is always on a leash.
    Cheese flavored snacks make a good way to make a friendly Chihuahua.
    Otherwise, they were bred to shred your ankles.
    Sneakiest watch dog ever.

  5. I never was dumb enough to pee on an electric fence, but when I was young, we had an old lawn mower, where the “kill switch” as a piece of bent metal bolted to the cylinder head that you would carefully push over to touch the spark plug. I used my foot, and the shock went up one leg, across my crotch and down the other leg on its way to the ground. It was quite a thrill.

  6. Loco
    No dogs were ever injured.
    Also any action taken on my part came after a request to the neighbor to see to their animal.
    I’m guessing you’ve never experienced an electric fence.
    My personal dog is trained to stay within my property lines. There is no fence, no leash, just hours of training. I can walk away, but she won’t follow, unless I say. I can also have her walk beside me, just like she is on a leash, by just snapping my fingers.
    Sadly just like in life, some people are to stupid to even own a dog.
    What is the point of owning a dog if it is chained to a tree it’s whole life, or in a kennel 24/7.

  7. I do quite a few Dog Groomers & Vet Clinics.
    I like to open up the return air on the roof Whistle from above.
    The dogs go completely Ape Shit and the Staffers Freak out.

    35 years and I still ain’t been caught!

  8. The white geese ran through our yard several times and eventually moved onto the lake out back. My wife and all the other neighbors have been feeding them for years.

  9. Any asshole that even thinks about shooting a dog is, well, an asshole. Fuck you Henry, and fuck your family, and I wish you’d come on my property and try and shoot one of my dogs. I’ve got a backhoe, and I’m not afraid to use it. Fuck you loser. You’re such a pussy.

  10. an ‘asshole’ is someone that calls others assholes, losers & pussies w/out understanding what they’re reading

    “I finally charged him and hollered get your dog off of my property.”

    take your meds, dude. no one’s coming on your property … promise. everything’s gonna be alright


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