The Left is Joyless, Filled With Hate, You’d Be Too If You Were This Pencil-Necked Creep – IOTW Report

The Left is Joyless, Filled With Hate, You’d Be Too If You Were This Pencil-Necked Creep

Zachary Jason. If I was writing movie about a creepy, leftist, geek-nerd effete who did nothing but look for crap to complain about in order to make everyone in their wake either miserable or exasperated, Zachary Jason is a good name. And this is exactly what he’d look like-

It’s almost too on-the-nose. Too cliche. When I get to the part where I say this character writes for Slate, and he derides whiteness, that’s when the movie studio head throws me out of the room, shouting, “this is even too implausible for THE HALLMARK CHANNEL!”

The Hallmark Channel… heh, they suck, amirite? Well, that’s what Cli-sashay Guevara says. He’s been monitoring the Hallmark Channel, licking his pencil point, and collecting data on exactly why Hallmark is the preferred channel of white nationalists. Wait, scratch that. It’s the preferred channel where actors with “white nationalist haircuts” do their acting. (That’s what Zachary has concluded.)

What specifically does Zachary despise about Hallmark? The Christmas movies, of course. They’ve been showing these movies for decades, at least as long as Obama was infecting the oval office, yet, now Hallmark irks sizzlechest. He’s got proof that the channel is enjoying more popularity and it’s due to Nazis having their leader in the white house.

They brim with white heterosexuals who exclusively, emphatically, and endlessly bellow “Merry Christmas”

Well, it’s a Christmas movie.

to every lumberjack and labradoodle they pass.

And you said there were nothing but heterosexuals!

Well, to be fair, you said, “they brim with white heterosexuals.” That’s what America looks like.

They’re centered on beauty-pageant heroines and strong-jawed heroes with white-nationalist haircuts. There are occasional sightings of Christmas sweater–wearing black people, but they exist only to cheer on the dreams of the white leads…

What is wrong with movies about white people?

There are movies about black people, Christmas ones. I wonder how many of these sizzlechest has watched?

  • The Best Man
  • Almost Christmas
  • A Dream For Christmas
  • The Kid Who Loved Christmas
  • The Preacher’s Wife
  • Holiday Heart
  • Last Holiday
  • The Perfect Holiday
  • This Christmas

I’m sure I’m sporting a white nationalist haircut, according to this lukewarm mess, but I watched Fat Albert Christmas as much as I did Charlie Brown Christmas. It might not be politically correct to watch Fat Albert anymore, particularly since Cosby raped all those white women, but here’s the link if he wants to poke his dopey noggin’ out of his all-white sphere that derides things all-white.

everyone on Trump’s naughty list—Muslims, gay people, feminists—has never crossed the snowcapped green-screen mountains to taint these quaint Christmas villages.

Hmmm. Why are there no Muslim people in the Hallmark Christmas movies??? This is head-scratcher.

But I have a theory.

Maybe the Muslim actors would be putting themselves in peril if they lauded and extolled the baby prophet Jesus? Just a theory.

Regarding gay and feminist people not appearing in the Hallmark movies, how would geek-nerd react if the gay and feminist black people in the Hallmark movies were upbeat, polite and happy and smiled and said Merry Christmas and were walking a Labradoodle?

He’d say it was implausible, which answers his question as to why they aren’t in the movie, no?

Why would I sabotage my own quaint Christmas movie with a Zachary Jason appearing in it?


Merry Christmas all! (Well, nearly all.)


33 Comments on The Left is Joyless, Filled With Hate, You’d Be Too If You Were This Pencil-Necked Creep

  1. and this is what 8 years of Obummer gave us…..freaks, lazy ass worthless trolls content to jack off in Mom’s basement the rest of their miserable life making excuses why they can not do any hard work or effort to succeed so they lay it at the feet of white guilt. He little beanpole, get a job and work as it’s what I did and love my success and will never apologize to genderless twit like you EVER! I will hire you for $15 an hour to clean my house bitch…..

  2. Nice touch with the Provincetown T-shirt. Hahaha.
    For those unfamiliar, think Key West or San Francisco of Massachusetts. Why do gays flock to the tip of peninsulas? Never mind.

  3. This guy knows he’s writing ridiculous garbage. He gets paid and gets a circle of “friends” as a result. I doubt his life is very happy. In the spirit Christmas and good will toward men, I pray he gains gratitude, integrity, humility and honesty. And for myself and all Americans, I pray the same thing. Merry Christmas.

  4. Sniveling little bed wetter. Likely raised by a single mother with anger issues. He’s developed a hatred for anyone who personifies masculinity. And it’s a good bet he has lots of girl “friends” but likes boys peepee’s.

  5. Love the P-town tee shirt. Always signaling.
    That’s a pretty white-nationalist haircut he’s got.
    Funny how 2016’s gay-metrosexual haircut is suddenly 2017’s white-Nazi haircut. Stylists must be so confused.

    At first glance I thought he was the actor who plays Citizen Z on Z NATION. Which, like all zombie apocalypse fiction, is a pretty Conservative show.

    Merry Christmas Eve to everyone.
    2018 is going to be a MAGA year.

  6. My favorite way of deal with d-bags like this is some variation of the line, “oh, you’re an effeminate white liberal who hates white people? How….ordinary.”

    Calling them common works too. Nothing makes a snowflake spin out faster than telling them they aren’t special in any way.

  7. Well the experiment is proving a success (depending on whether or not you are objective about results).
    It takes only eight years to set and calcify sissyness in the American male in the forced absence of positive masculine role models

  8. Trashing Hallmark for making family programming is like trashing Florida for growing oranges. Obviously the definition of “hallmark” has eluded lil’ zachary. What a snitpuss.

  9. Ahhhhh… the deliciousness of liberal tears….you can literally feel the intense tearing, agonizing, bleeding butthurt of this neutered beta male in each sentence…..BWAHAHAHAHAHAH

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