The left is not deranged, you say? Behold, dirtbag # 21,003,987 – IOTW Report

The left is not deranged, you say? Behold, dirtbag # 21,003,987

29 Comments on The left is not deranged, you say? Behold, dirtbag # 21,003,987

  1. You ain’t seen shit! Just wait until after the mid-term elections this November. Half will have to be put on 24-hour suicide watch and the other half under 24-hour surveillance to keep them from acting out on their wet dreams of killing anyone who disagrees with them.

  2. Speaking of deranged lefty’s, the POS that harassed the wife of a fallen 9-11 officer has been identified. He is a skateboarder from Massachusetts. His name is posted but I don’t know BFH would want to Dox him here.

  3. If I were the one recording the video, I do believe I would have been very, very close to fearing for my life.

    “He ran at me with pieces of metal in his hands and yelling and babbling incoherently. His attack was so quick and violent I feared for my life, officer, I thought he was going to kill me or cause me grievous bodily harm. I’m very upset and in shock right now, and I’ll be glad to answer all your questions after I’ve had a chance to calm down and talk with an attorney.”

  4. Unfortunately this freak is in Houston. The black hole coffee house shown in the video is in Montrose, a notorious gay area north of the museum district and west of downtown. I thought this freaks skinny jeans indicated he was a tad light in his loafers.
    Sadly I have to go down to this area to see my CPA a few times a year. I always go armed even before I viewed this vid. Now I have a better excuse.

  5. I wasn’t going to put up any signs until my next door neighbor put out TWO Betty signs. Then she put out a couple more for other candidates, like Lupe Valdez, the lesbian former cop running against Gov. Abbott, and other names I don’t recognize. Then I thought, “It’s on”! I now have my Ted Cruz and Rodney Anderson signs out. I would have one for Gov. Abbott if I knew someone who had them.

  6. Seemed like a crazed threat to me. One that legitimately could have elicited a quick snap kick to the crotch followed by a knee to the face. Other interventions as needed…

  7. Hey I was at a poker game to day with five Catholics and a Jew, None of them knew shit from shinola about the Kermit Gosnel movie , the guy who aborted thousands of children. Took them out alive and then snipped their spinal cords with a sissors.
    But they knew about all the plays in the Red Sox’s game and who they were up against next.
    I have lost faith in guys who go to mass every day, know and chat with their pastor and don’t know who the fuck Kermit Gosnell is, or who Plelem McAleer is
    I fucking give up!


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