The Left is Racing To See Who Could Be the Biggest Moron – IOTW Report

The Left is Racing To See Who Could Be the Biggest Moron

This nag is out in front. She’s passed Alexandria Occasional Cortex on the back turn.

28 Comments on The Left is Racing To See Who Could Be the Biggest Moron

  1. Once Trump finishes the wall along the Mexican border, he needs to start building other ones around south and central California, lower New York state (to include NYC and Long Island) and Albany, and the southeast region of Illinois.
    [And I’m saying this as someone who was born and raised in Queens.]

  2. This is another fine example of what the democrats support and put up for candidates. Weird cityits with micro narrow brains. Vote for another one with your eyes closed and see how far down the toilet hole you can help America go.

  3. Maybe someone can arrange a field trip to some Mexican border towns for these libidiots without American agents or protection so they can see what they’re asking for.
    Although, they are wailing about ICE because it’s the left’s cause dujour and they know the Congress would never allow shutting border security down.
    They are as phony as Bernie.

  4. Zephyr?
    The “break wind?”
    (OK – I made that up – it’s the “west wind”)

    Her mother named her after a fart?
    Maw musta been prescient!

    Now, if she’s thoroughly corrupt, as well as stupid, she’ll work out perfectly for NY!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. ICE should put about 10,000 illegals in her neighbor hood and tell them the door is open and everything is FREE!!!
    Lets see if she calls the police or invites them in to live with her.

  6. Participation trophy law degree?

    Seems prog parents are competing with blacks for the most “interesting” names. Do you think a lifetime of this name caused her to lose her mind?

  7. Although this idjut is definitely in the running it would be extremely hard to pick out the biggest moron as the candidates list grows daily. Perineal favorites like Pelosi, Waters, Cortez, Williams, Acosta, CNN, HuffPo, NY Slimes and others will offer idiotic opinions daily.
    Perhaps a contest with a cutoff date to determine who is the nuttiest of all?

  8. For the left, there is a stupidity baseline, an irreducible non-zero minimum level, that comes from their inability or unwillingness to accept human nature for what it is. Their political and social fantasies depend on convincing a very large fraction of the people to think like they do, or at least be acquiescent and docile. They have been trying to do this for arguably 150 years (Marx’s Das Kapital was published in 1867) and they keep failing. Rather than accept the hard fact that their ideas are impracticable and goals unattainable, they keep making excuses and keep trying, much to the pain and impoverishment of those around them.

    I find it just a bit difficult to get enthused by the question of “who is the left’s biggest moron” because the left’s foundation is seriously moronic to begin with. The rest is just icing on the turd.

  9. Funny how ICE wuzn’t a problem for all those years it existed under Bush and the Obamboozler, uh!!

    Leftist illuminaries: shine a flashlight in the right ear and watch it light things up from the left ear!


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