The Left is Reveling In Fear And Panic – IOTW Report

The Left is Reveling In Fear And Panic

The media’s agenda has done (and continues to do)
enormous damage to America

American Thinker – Panic rarely results in effective decision-making.

A Stanford Professor of Medicine and epidemiology says that the government is overreacting, the statistics are wrong and he believes that the economy should be open or else we are intentionally crushing the economy without good cause. So, why is he virtually ignored by almost all media outlets while they bring on people like Bill Gates, a non-scientist, endlessly? Why don’t governors in Illinois and Michigan use scientists like him as their source along with fear mongers, especially when previous predictions of doom and gloom are so wrong? Could it be that this Stanford professor just doesn’t fit in with the agenda?

“A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data.” More specifically, Dr. Ioannidis contends that there isn’t enough data about COVID-19 to implement drastic governmental and societal responses that crush the global economy and might put it into a depression. His argument is that there are assumptions being made about COVID-19 that are incorrect or shouldn’t be made at this point.  

When CDC and WHO said that the mortality rate was estimated to be over 3% it was repeated widely to scare the public. When Dr. Fauci said that the rate was ten times the normal flu, it was widely reported while the actual rate of 1% was downplayed. Now that it is clear that the mortality rate is very close to the regular flu (though the contagiousness is far greater), the media and governors who are keeping the economy closed essentially bury it. A rate close to the flu certainly doesn’t fit the fear agenda and would show that the shutdowns were clearly an overreaction.

Why don’t we see reports about how well states that didn’t shut down completely vs states that did? The answer is that it doesn’t fit the agenda.

Keep reading here.

55 Comments on The Left is Reveling In Fear And Panic

  1. An article published on March 24 said that according to projections, by April 24 Florida hospitals would have 485,000 Wuhan patients. On April 24 they actually had a little over 2,000 statewide.
    I mentioned in casual conversation yesterday to a guy I didn’t know that I thought things would be opening up sooner rather than later; he replied that his daughter is a nurse and no, we need to keep up the masks and quarantining.
    I chatted this morning with a friend who is a surgeon, not personally dealing with Wuhan virus patients. She said more surgeries are being scheduled now, finally, and agreed with all my comments regarding the urgency of reopening.
    I think this is the weekend of approximately equal resistance in both directions, and that by next weekend the majority will be pushing to open it up.
    I bought a plane ticket to North Carolina for June 9-13, and reserved a hotel room on the beach. Looking forward to it, and seeing whether I want to move there.

  2. Why has Trump surrounded himself with liberal, Clinton-voting doctors? They don’t want the shutdown to end, not until they make every effort to bring him down.

    This could be Trump’s Waterloo.

  3. And in the midst of all the fear mongering and claims this has to go on until there is a vaccine Dr. Fauci or the little F-er as I prefer said oh sure Tinder hookups are great if you are okay with the risk. But no way go into a restaurant or hair salon, you can’t possibly access risk for normal interactions.

  4. From what I understand the doctors that are not in support of the president are only there for Optics and the president and his staff know exactly who they are and what they stand for. Prayers for the president and his administration mean everything. If you feel disappointed that the bad evil guys are not being dragged away in handcuffs in front of everyone to see, let go of the hate. What goes around, comes around. I truly pray it will all come together after what “they” just tried to do to us. After all the misinformation it is so obvious it was done for a reason. Prayers mean everything! God Bless us all.

  5. @C – “the left is ALWAYS reveling in fear and panic”.

    There, fixed it .

    The political left have been at this since 1793 in France. That is where the left started and spread to Germany after that in 1848, more civil war, and Marxism started. That was 50 quick years of it to spread, like a…virus.

    Wilson, a student of the European new Marxist Socialist brought the ideas here.

    Of course others did as well, but hell, HE was the president prior/during WWI….hmmmm.

    The first American War of the ‘Left’ or Progressives.


  6. All you need to know about this Blue State Conspiracy to damage Trump and the economy is that hair places, dentists and elective hip and knee replacements are shut down but abortion mIlls continue unabated.

    This is Election Year Virus.

    Democrats are Satan. Period.

  7. What better way to control the public than to strike fear in their hearts and at the same time establish your so-called expertise at guiding them through the crisis – IF, and only if, you (the sheeple) do what we tell you to do.

    Scary, very very scary.

  8. The two fools who represent the CDC, Blix and Fauci are co conspirators
    The states that did not comply have better numbers than those who complied’
    That is the proof that CDC lord through their dentures and this is a top down power grab and spendaholics holiday,

  9. I just read this and thought very interesting because fear is controlling everything we are doing today. Prayers mean everything. God Bless us all.

    Isaiah 43:1 “Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.” God actually commands us not to fear, or worry. The phrase “fear not” is used at least 80 times in the Bible, most likely because He knows the enemy uses fear to decrease our hope and limit our victories.

  10. @Toxically Masculine – enough with the dam Waterloo bullshit nonsense. Is that your best lib talking point?

    You don’t really believe that hype?? That is what ‘they’, the leftist Fourth Estate, say.

    It’s rotten tripe, smoldering garbage.

    POTUS knows what he is doing, this is not about getting in line with the guy, this is about him USING common sense and historical references that HE knows and understands and therefore exposing them on a daily basis.

    @MissKitty – what you said was Ghosts’ point about WWI.
    Wilson brought us ‘to our knees’. And that was 100 years ago and gee the last pandemic happened, but happened because of the soldiers that spread it out after WWI, contracting in Europe.

  11. Hey Whoreasshole Prima Donna, if you don’t see this unnecessary shutdown as foolishness that Trump now owns, then you’re a fool who lacks any econ101 sense. He needs to step up.

    P.S. I’m no more liberal than you, dickhead. KMA.

  12. Toxically Masculine – ‘He needs to step up’.

    So? Go ahead, tell me how he should ‘step up’?? Oh great soothsayer? Tell us your plan there?

    And I am the smartass! I mean, the ‘Whoreasshole Prima Donna’.

    But you correct! I failed economics, actually got a D, but I understand a NY builder, one of skyscrapers, not like you. Ha!

    I’ll kiss a you ass, after this is over, okay? You know, social distancing and all…

    IF you think this is comparable to Waterloo, tell me about the NY Campaign during the Revolution and GW.

    Yeah, that’s MY reference point not some fucking French/English battle.

  13. @Toxic.

    What are you talking about?

    The States shut their economies down. Northam in Virginia, Cuomo in NY. Newsom in CA. It’s called the 10th amendment. And maybe read up on it. And history.

    Trump didn’t shut a single state down.

  14. @toxic.

    The blue state shutdown conspiracy will come out if we have a country after November.

    If you don’t have a job or money or anywhere to go to watch a baseball game, like a bar, blame your Governor and/or mayor.

  15. PHenry, are you and Prim saying that the POTUS is a lame duck on this issue and can impose no pressure whatsoever on the states, regardless of real stats, national economic disaster, massive federal spending? Stay on course as the only option? Stay on the sidelines and HOPE for the best with leftist doctors in charge while real families suffer?

    Are you all of a sudden big fed spenders too? And I’m being called a liberal?


  16. Prima, you may want to revisit the definition of Waterloo; there is such a thing as political Waterloo.

    But what do I know? I’m just a dumb combat vet, not a skyscraper builder.

  17. Toxically Masculine – hey not here to be confrontational believe or not.

    I am just trying to ‘draw you out’, in a good way of course, to understand what you mean by ‘may be his Waterloo’, I get the analogy, but was not Napoleons ULTIMATE defeat there? Then Exiled?

    And yes I appreciate your not so ‘dumb combat vet’ experience!!

    I will not say bad things of course about vets, with combat experience, but do not disparage what a skyscraper builder is capable of either, deal?

    The other thing is you ‘triggered me’, haha, by using the words of the left, Waterloo (that is a HUGE thing to compare to) and OF COURSE I KNOW YOU ARE NOT left!

    Okay? I like ‘this place’, not here to get into a bar fight…

  18. Horatio, I appreciate your comments.

    What I find sad about this blog is when we fight among ourselves, even though we ALL want Trump to kick ass. In combat, with those disagreements, we all die.

    I DESPISE the corrupt, perverse left.

    I don’t belong on this blog. I should have dropped out long ago, and this is the right time.

    See ya…

  19. It’s always best to not put words in each other’s mouths. Food, okay. Good cigars, fine. Because…

    …a Conservative tongue in your cheek is better than a Liberal one in your ass!

  20. @Toxically Masculine, I suggest you don’t leave. I’m new to the game but I’m getting the feeling you all need this space to tell it like it is in your own words. I, too “DESPISE the corrupt, perverse left” like many do who contribute to IOTW. I’m not sure how to go about stopping it. But prayers are all I have.

    @Prim, cut the crap! We are all here to voice our support or not to what the issues are. Don’t be difficult.

    I keep everyone in line in my house. Hate reading silliness here.

    God Bless us all!

  21. Jeez! What the hell happened?

    @toxically masculine – do NOT leave this place. I ORDER YOU. With your combat experience (salute!), we need all the help we can get.

    It’s just that people, like PH and HP are fired up, like you, and ready to go. And DO NOT go there with the ‘dumb’ stuff, we all have a contribution to make here at this great ship of ours, here at iOTW.

    Everyone step aside, mind your manners, and carry on!!

    Now ya’s understand how we all had to ‘fall in line’ behind GW and he was an SOB of his own making. Glover and GW were the same age so just imagine the ‘strategical’ differences?? A fisherman vs farmer.

    But I did get him across the Delaware and out of Pel’s Point!! Just to name a couple of operations.

    But for that dedication and devotion to GW? We won.

  22. The FURS flying. No pun intended.Two of my favorite people. And balls enough not to be calling each other anonymous. Thank God. We can disagree one thread and go after each other and be pals the next. Take it from me. Now shake hands.

  23. Tox. You implied Trump owns the Econ shutdown. The shutdown was engineered by Democrat media and Dem party.

    My idiot Governor, early on declared a shutdown of normalcy until June 10th. If that wasn’t a political act I don’t know what is. He is intentionally destroying life and the economy in Virginia.

    Trump can strongly suggest, even use heavy handed tactics, threatening moving mil out of state, and I suspect he is.

    But Northam calls the shots in VA.

    And he’s looking to pin this engineered Econ collapse on Trump even if he destroys the state in the process.

  24. I agree with you all. We’re frustrated beyond belief and one misstated statement about anything while we are hair triggered can blow sky high instantly.

    I was pointing out our enemy. They are at the front door.

    Hand of friendship and brotherhood to Tox.

  25. @Bad_Brad – is correct, pals the next.

    I remember showing up at the iOTW bar here a couple of years ago, at the gym you went to at the time, maybe still do, but you were not happy with me!? And me nor with you. ;>)
    (hope you are doing well)

    Just compare us all here at iOTW to us all to the Dirty Dozen x’s 1000.

    This movie is a who’s who! Go full screen.

    “Franco, sit down, you’ll get your chance”.

    The thing is, we just can’t all be Telly Savelas on eachother!

  26. Prim and Tox I love a happy ending, so come on and let’s get there. I know you can do it because the commenters on this site are far more mature than those who populate the left alternative universe. And what this country needs more than anything are adults to step up and do the right thing. So let it start here.

  27. ghost of brig gen j glover

    LOL. I remember that. But bottom line is there’s no bunch of people that in the long run think the same with the same values. Frustrating times to boot. Not to mention a few of us can be rather opinionated. But it is honest dialogue and that’s a good thing

  28. Stirrin the pot, well said!! I like it. Kudos to you! Love happy endings too! Ghost always wants to watch “not a feel good movie” and I just can’t tolerate that right now. Too much hate and anger and feeling lost. I truly don’t know what to do but say my prayers and love my family and friends and hope for the best. I sometimes have to live in my own little world and keep the army of men in my house at bay. I had a good friend always say “Why can’t we all just get along” Gob Bless us all!!!

  29. @Stirrin the pot – given your name? I love your suggestion and what Mary Hatch said about silliness. We don’t come here for this, well at least not THAT type of ‘silliness’!

    Stirred, but not shaken eh?

    C’mon Toxically Masculine, handshake? I grew up not too far from where the POTUS did, I just take to defending him, like others here, quite maybe too quickly too personally?? Not sure.

    Don’t leave honorable Veteran. There are many here like you, Defenders of this Country, against former and current onslaughts.


  30. Toxically Masculine, we cant afford to lose anybody (except for that Chastens chocolate butterfly, or whatever he is), this is a great place to have these very discussions. Even if you, or I, or Jimmybradgeoffaahambonelazlophenryortheladyinred, or anyone else, this is a fine place air your thoughts, defend them, maybe have your ass handed to you, then move on. It’s good to have a sounding board for our thoughts. Everyone that’s been here for a while has seen some short tempers and hard feelings, then the next time you see an exchange between a couple adversaries they seem to have found common ground. It works well.

  31. @ Bad_Brad – thanks, that post really meant a lot, Cali boy!

    From a New Yorker, of course…but you know that.

    Thing is? We are both DISGUSTED with our govs’ and that is what THIS is about, and always of course a good laugh occasionally here at iOTW and a toast to health.

    Keep up YOUR fight.

  32. I apologize to all.

    I am an angry MoFo who finds it mind-boggling that we could lose to such mindless, low IQ pro-Obama/Clinton pussies.

    Enough said. I love our dysfunctional IOTW family.

    Goodnight, y’all. Rest up for the fight that never ends.


  33. Ok, let’s just all get along. I sometimes feel like I have to bring the kids together and discuss the issues at hand. We as an IOTW community have to keep it together and get through this. No joke. It’s intense and not understandable. I’m made fun of by Ghost but prayers are so important. I’ve had too many mishaps and can’t believe I’m still alive but forge ahead for our family and friends. As TM says, rest up for the fight that never ends!!!! And if it did end, what would we do?!?!?!

    God Bless us all!!!!!!!

  34. I hated the movie “The Quiet Man”. Ghost knows I do! Whatever, it’s an annoying movie and do not like the lessons in the movie. I get it, but don’t have to tolerate it. I have enough headaches. Enough said!!

  35. @Horatio Prim April 26, 2020 at 1:48 am

    ‘Some folks look for answers others look for fights…”

    Good selection – great song, great album, great band. Oh, and a great message too.


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