The Left Is Stripping the Concept of Free Speech From Less Than Sharp Minds – IOTW Report

The Left Is Stripping the Concept of Free Speech From Less Than Sharp Minds


According to a report in the campus newspaper, Rosen asked his students, “Which is more provocative: A white man walks up to a black man and punches him in the nose, or a white man walks up to a black man and calls him a n****r?” One student told TWS that when Rosen said this, a student of color approached him and, inches from his face, shouted, “F-ck you!” while a female student of color shouted at Rosen, “Do you feel safe right now?”

Rosen is an award-winning legal anthropologist who has taught at Princeton for 40 years. The course in question, “Anthropology 212: Cultural Freedoms: Hate Speech, Blasphemy, and Pornography,” is one that Rosen has taught many times. In a letter to the student paper defending Rosen, the chair of Princeton’s anthropology department, Carolyn Rouse, said that “Rosen has used the same example year after year. This is the first year he got the response he did from the students.”


13 Comments on The Left Is Stripping the Concept of Free Speech From Less Than Sharp Minds

  1. Very good article at the link. What everyone is afraid to say is this is a war between the globalists and the rest of the world. These snowflakes are not offended by by things they hear or see, but are simply acting out their Overlords wishes to start a Global Civil War. Through indoctrination, these “New Brownshirts” believe they can take over society by loud demonstrations, batons and bottles filled with urine. They have been duped into believing the world is theirs for the taking if you intimidate the loudest. What these Totalitarians and their minions do not understand is that their opposition (all of US) are far smarter and have read Alinsky, The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf.

    More importantly, we also have studied the strategies of the best from Alexander, Sun Tzu, Patton and Geronimo along with many others throughout history and are prepared to use them when the time comes. The Left will keep pushing until they get that spark that lights the powder keg. I don’t think the outcome will be what they were expecting.

    In regards to the two colored people and the Princeton professor, isn’t Anthropology the study of Apes. Just asking.

  2. The little black punks feel empowered by the scorn that word evokes in todays society. They feel the use of it is exclusive to them and is a tripwire to launch an attack.
    F@ck them.

  3. What is more offensive

    A white man walks up to a black man and calls him a n—r

    A black thug walks up to a God fearing black man and kills him

    In the mind of the “black leaders,” the Democrat Party and the mainstream media it is the scenario that they can use to sew racial animosity. That is the primary calculation that is made by all three.

    And by black leaders I am talking about the neighborhood organizers, put in that position by the progressive movement, not true leaders who have developed organically in the black community. The former gets the microphone and the latter is pushed out by the progressive movement because they are there to serve the best interest of the community and not the advancement of the progressive movement

  4. “That students would react differently this year, writes Rouse, “is diagnostic of the level of overt anti-black racism in the country today.” When Obama was president, “the example seemed less real and seemed to have less power.” But now that Trump’s in office, students can’t bear to hear the N-word uttered out loud—even in a class about free expression and censorship, and even when it’s used as an example of hate speech.”

    The reason that free speech has become intolerable and divisions based on race are the constant objective is BECAUSE a race-obsessed, Divider-In-Chief fraudulently occupied the Oval Office and destroyed as much of America law as he could in 8 years.

  5. What’s wrong with the parenting of these “students” that they believe themselves entitled to respond to a question with such threatening aggression?

    Who condones such dangerous insolence and why?

  6. he got it wrong, the polar bear game is when a black man walks up to a white person and punches them in the face.

    when was the last time we saw a white man walk up to a black man and punch him in the face, 1860 ?

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