The left makes a pro-mask cartoon and has the non-mask wearers saying things they never say – IOTW Report

The left makes a pro-mask cartoon and has the non-mask wearers saying things they never say

Of course, the guy not wearing a mask has a voice like a moron.

24 Comments on The left makes a pro-mask cartoon and has the non-mask wearers saying things they never say

  1. So the whole argument, once again, is “you will literally die” if you don’t wear a mask.

    Their argument can be used in favor of wearing a mask for anything. Don’t wanna die in a fatal car crash? Wear a mask. Don’t wanna die drinking poison? Wear a mask. Heck, it takes the lethal out of lethal injection. You wouldn’t want to be caught without one and find out the hard way, now would you?

    That’s just silly, ecp, because the mask is for preventing the coof and not any of those other things. I would agree with you, if only it did prevent the coof. But it doesn’t and that’s the disconnect. It even says so on the box of masks you’re forced to buy. It might even say so on your repurposed cloth items in the future.

    It’s all so damn retarded.

    Here’s legitimate reasons to wear a mask

  2. Let’s make a cartoon of some dude wearing a dress haranguing people to put a mask on. And the dude wearing a dress keeps saying that non mask wearers won’t accept the science.

  3. Anyone else noticed the red cap worn by the character supposedly refusing the mask?
    I don’t that is there by accident.
    Pathetic weak trolling.
    But then again.
    “performed by Mark Hamill”
    That’s all you need to know.
    And of course the cowards turned off commenting.

  4. I flew on Delta last week, back row, and the beaner sitting across the aisle from me didn’t even bother to drape a mask from his ears. The stews never said a word from takeoff to landing. Naturally, I was pretty steamed, but since I’m no Karen, I just dropped my mask to my chin. My wife was mortified, but I explained that if the stews came after me they’d have to come after the beaner, too.

    They never came after me or the beaner. But a Karen sitting right in front of the beaner kept looking back at me, and after an hour, she made a “mask up” gesture at me. I just smiled and pointed to the beaner behind her. She looked back, and you could almost smell the burnt circuitry in her brain.

    She faced forward and never looked back again. And the stews never said a word to anyone. I think she realized that the stews were not avid enforcers.

    Everybody is starting to tire of this mask bullshit. Facists vs. Fascists.

  5. I refuse to click on and watch that caricature-toon. Our Leftist Globalist enemies will point to the numbers of visitors to their site and cite that to further justify their next absurd Leftist Fascist evil act

  6. Cate, Theodore Geisel has some “racist” drawings/cartoons in his past.
    I believe Heritage auctioned one off a few years ago.
    I believe it was from the 30’s.
    He may have lampooned the Japanese during the war as well?

    Universal held their breath for a bit on that one and he wasn’t cancelled…YET

  7. I wore a mask yesterday for the first time in six months because I had to renew my car registration. The lady behind the counter had to insist because it was state policy. She apologized and said she didn’t agree with it. I put on my mask that says in bold letters “THIS MASK IS USELESS”. It only took three minutes for the entire transaction. So other than having to pay to drive on the public roads most of my dignity was still intact.


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