The Left Must Be Drooling Over This 20 Year Sentence – IOTW Report

The Left Must Be Drooling Over This 20 Year Sentence

This is an American Leftist’s wet dream.


Hip-Hop Artist in Myanmar Gets 20 Years for Speaking Out

Byu Har criticized military-run government over electricity shortages

A 38-year-old Burmese hip-hop artist has been found guilty of criticizing Myanmar’s military-controlled government and sentenced to 20 years in prison, a family member said Thursday. The sentence given to Byu Har, also known as Min Oat Myanmar, appeared to be the most severe so far given to any of the celebrities detained for criticizing the military rulers who seized power from the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in 2021, per the AP. Byu Har was arrested at his apartment in Yangon on May 24, hours after he strongly criticized Min Aung Hlaing, the head of the military government, and the electric power minister. In a livestream on his Facebook page, he alleged they had failed to supply enough electricity to Yangon, Myanmar’s biggest city.

5 Comments on The Left Must Be Drooling Over This 20 Year Sentence

  1. @Pelopidas. I’m not really laughing. These subhumans are steeling my resolve.

    If these morons think we’re backing down they are about to find out what real fury looks like.

  2. Just imagine how severe his sentence would have been if he walked into the people’s house.

    Held for months with no charges, in solitary confinement, minimal food, lights on 24/7, harassment, torture, non-stop interrogations, finances destroyed, family torn apart, defended by inexperienced public defenders and prosecuted by the government’s experienced staff attorneys.

    Being set up, encouraged to enter the Capitol, and still being sent to prison for 20 years.

    Myanmar’s Military rulers seized power through a coup in 2021. In the US the coup was employed by the political establishment, DOJ, FBI, CIA, Mainstream Media, the House and Senate Leadership.
    Evidently political prisoners don’t just happen only in Myanmar. Hundreds of J6 Defendants remain under the heavy thumb of the DOJ, the Prison system and the political establishment.

    It is sad to say it, but the US is no different that other fanatical governments suppressing freedoms and
    prosecuting those who address their grievances against an illegitimate government, its narrative and actions.
    FJB and the Weaponized Federal Government


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