The Left NEVER Learns – after implementing $15 minimum wage, Whole Foods cuts worker’s hours – IOTW Report

The Left NEVER Learns – after implementing $15 minimum wage, Whole Foods cuts worker’s hours

The Guardian-

“My hours went from 30 to 20 a week,” said one Whole Foods employee in Illinois.

Workers interviewed for this story were reluctant to speak on the record for fear of retaliation.

The worker provided schedules from 1 November to the end of January 2019, showing hours for workers in their department significantly decreased as the department’s percentage of the entire store labor budget stayed relatively the same.

“We just have to work faster to meet the same goals in less time,” the worker said.

An internal email shared by the employee from their department manager cited the across-the-board shift cuts as “the direct result of guidance from our regional team”.

In Maryland, another Whole Foods worker said their regional management is forcing stores to cut full-time employee schedules by four hours, to 36 hours a week. “This hours cut makes that raise pointless as people are losing more than they gained and we rely on working full shifts,” the worker said.


ht/ fdr in hell

33 Comments on The Left NEVER Learns – after implementing $15 minimum wage, Whole Foods cuts worker’s hours

  1. No matter how often these idiot are told what the result will be, they never admit that that is what happened or take the blame for doing it.

    Their response if they are called out on it usually boils down to some form of either “it doesn’t matter” or “Trump and his racism is responsible” and they can be quite creative at getting to that point.

    Learn to code.

  2. Won’t be long now that $15/hr “living wage” will include a guarantee for 40 hours per week, while the worker gets to choose how many of those hours she/he/it would like to work, while being paid for all 40 hours no matter how much is worked. As part of the “un/willing” bit.

  3. Looking on the bright side, major increases in minimum wage are spurring on the development of robotics.

    Invest in leading edge robotics companies, they are going to see increasing demand and profits for their products.

  4. It’s not about the left ‘learning’ anything. It’s simply about their gaining power by exploiting our education systems and the resulting useful idiots coming out of it.

  5. Should be before and after pictures of the “hey we’re getting $15 an hour” to “hey I’m unemployed”. Would be comedy gold. I see this as a win for conservatives because we tried to warn them.

  6. “Well, since they’re cutting the hours, the ONLY thing to do is raise the minimum wage to $20/hr!”

    See how that works?

    “Every time I hit my thumb with a hammer, it hurts! Guess I should hold the nail between by fingers …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Hmm, hours cut down to part-time, JUST LIKE they did when oblowmecare mandated coverage for full-time employees.
    You are absolutely right; they never learn, and evidently never will.
    So when’s the shooting start?

  8. Rationally project the result of any program, any action taken by government. Be certain that the divisors and implementers of the program have done that and are completely aware of the expectable result. The conclusion: The results they get were the results they intended. The Progressives increase their control and power over people by making them dependent on the government, i.e. unemployed. The mandated minimum wage, which denies the worker the ability to negotiate his pay, increases the number of unemployed upon which the Progressives depend – And removes the bottom rung of the ladder for those with no work history or experience who could start at a lower wage and gain the experience to move up the wage scale. That creates the persistent Progressive underclass of dependents. Don’t underestimate the Democrats: There is a system in their apparent stupidity. An increased move to automation is their ally.

  9. The LEFTIST know full well what the likely consequences will be, but it makes a GREAT VOTE getter, so they continue their canard.

    Truth is that when government sets prices and or wages, it generally leads to a failed economic model … usually hurting those as the bottom, making life more difficult for them while the Leftist legislator has a guaranteed salary, health care and whatever goodies they can glom along the way. There is no better example of this right now than Bernie Sanders who has become a millionaire while promoting these false economic solutions.

  10. Think Insley will make a good president? He was all for the $15 minimum wage for Seattle/Tacoma and look at how many business went under because they could not afford to stay in business. So instead of getting that wage increase they got terminated. Not very smart for these intellectual progressives.

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