The left ought to read this Bernie Sanders tweet before they go after the president for calling Cummings’ Baltimore district a $h*thole – IOTW Report

The left ought to read this Bernie Sanders tweet before they go after the president for calling Cummings’ Baltimore district a $h*thole

17 Comments on The left ought to read this Bernie Sanders tweet before they go after the president for calling Cummings’ Baltimore district a $h*thole

  1. Truly sad. There is no excuse for what liberals have done to Baltimore and Maryland in general. But they built that. They own it. It’s their shared mess. But we are forced to suffer their mess. Thanks

  2. I was a telco dude in Ballmer from 1996 to about 1998. The place was a seething shithole even then.

    I had a subscriber who had ordered a third line… and the building didn’t even have a wall on the alley side. The wall had collapsed into the alley and they had strung chicken wire to keep the teeming millions of little brats from falling to their deaths. Not that the parents would have even known the names of the dead brats.

  3. Growing up in Ohio, I recall the glory days of Johnny U and the Colts in Baltimore and I was hoping to attend Annapolis … things changed and none of that came to pass as Baltimore began the long slide that we see today. I feel so sad for what they’ve got today but PHenry says it properly – they own it. Very Sad.

  4. The best part about this whole blowup re: Baltimore is that the microscope is on what a shithole it REALLY is…and exposing the fact that it’s been ENTIRELY Democrat-run for half a century. That oughta have some impact come time to decide who to vote for.
    As MJA said, they can’t keep their feet out of their mouths.

  5. It’s an embarrassment that this country has cities in this condition. This is the result of years of democrat policies tho they’ll never admit it. They have a never ending list of excuses for the messes and they all revolve around money. More money equals more corruption which equals more disintegration.
    Unfortunately they are giving the public what they continuously vote for while complaining about it.
    The democrat mindset isn’t much more than a series of contradictions.

  6. The top 10 Rat-Controlled, rat infested cities… according to Orkin:
    Los Angeles
    New York
    Washington, DC
    San Francisco

    I know… facts be damned, but is anyone really surprised at this list of run-down, shot-up, burned-out, crime-ridden, rat-infested, urine-soaked, feces-friendly, democRAT-dominated, Shit-Hole Plantations??

  7. Anonymous-

    In America! Sheesh!
    I lived in Central America for just under 3 years and I saw the same thing. Only some of the buildings were missing parts of the front wall and windows, too. AND there were 2 satellites for cable on it on one of the buildings. Ridiculous.
    The building I saw with a side wall missing only had ‘mosquito netting’ that actually looked like screen door material. I remember seeing one square room that had a bed with sheets and several buckets.
    I will never understand the kind of power that grips a man to the point where he can see the shithole he rules and still be proud of it. In Central Am’s case it was a nutty dictator. Here? It’s nutty Democrat Senators and Representatives. How are they not embarrassed to know they run Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, Los Angeles and Chicago? Their names will be attached to those cities for all time.

    They can’t even address the first issue of monetary waste, which is illegal immigration and then welfare. And the fact that those two issues are the same in most situations.

  8. MJA…it’s because they don’t see it. They are never driven thru the poor parts of town and never associate with anybody but a select crowd of yes men.They live in walled communities protected from the little people by armed guards. Reality is never allowed in. They pal around with the rich and famous hypocrites of the world while the “news” media covers for their crimes. In the case of L.A. they are wined and dined by hollywood .

  9. Baltimore is not a rat infested city. It is an ABC (actually black run city) that is a violent shithole. I lived 3 years in the inner city there and I know. It is full of Baltimorons.

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