The Left Anxious and Perplexed Following Massive Leftwing Digital (fake) News Layoffs – IOTW Report

The Left Anxious and Perplexed Following Massive Leftwing Digital (fake) News Layoffs


10 Comments on The Left Anxious and Perplexed Following Massive Leftwing Digital (fake) News Layoffs

  1. A good propagandist is hard to find. If you keep fumbling stories and repeatedly have to retract because the lies didn’t stick, then there’s no place for you in the left wing press.

  2. GE has its hooks set too deep into our political class for them to EVER be allowed to fail no matter what they do. They still hold the title of the company with the largest lobbyist presence in our grubbermint today so it is no wonder why they get away with crap like this ALL the time (hat tip to wiki):

    “GE has a history of some of its activities giving rise to large-scale air and water pollution. Based on data from 2000,[129] researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute listed the corporation as the fourth-largest corporate producer of air pollution in the United States, with more than 4.4 million pounds per year (2,000 tons) of toxic chemicals released into the air.[130] GE has also been implicated in the creation of toxic waste. According to EPA documents, only the United States Government, Honeywell, and Chevron Corporation are responsible for producing more Superfund toxic waste sites.[131]”

  3. cslamer’s comment got me thinking about G.E.’s lobbying efforts, so I started by Bing’ing “What does General Electric spent on lobbying?” That question took me to an old favorite, which showed me the contractors G.E. spent money on. If you follow the hierarchy from there you need a pencil and paper to remember the jumps from contractors to sub-contractors, but the effort is worth it when you eventually end up looking at detailed info on “issues”, which then leads you to the “LD 2” lobbiest disclosure (required by law). The LD 2 discloses each lobbiest by name. The LD 2 lists each “activity” being lobbied. For example, under the “issue” of “Immigration”, I came to an LD 2 disclosing lobbying efforts on behalf of the company (“client”), Remitly Inc. The lobbying activities were listed as: “promoting innovation in international money transfers and remittances” and “opposing “border wall” remittance tax”. So then I wanted to know who Remitly Inc. was and looked them up. Bloomburg does a very nice job of laying out companies’ mission, board, executive bios, salaries, etc. Remitly Inc., as you’ve probably guessed, is an international remittance company that allows one to wire transfer money. It makes perfect sense they would be against the idea of collecting taxes on their remittances — not just because it would add another layer of gov’t reporting and compliance, but also because such compliance requires a much deeper look into their accounting and book keeping and might expose transactions made by them on behalf of terrorist orgs, corrupt gov’ts, etc. Probably the most important reason they would lobby against such a tax or any regulation is that, as an international company, it would make then less competitive in the money transfer market world-wide.

    What does this have to do with layoffs in the Fake News digital arena? It shows the very deep (and difficult to identify) roots that companies like NBC have into “issues” and the enormous amounts of lobbying dollars being spent to influence (buy) legislation that support their companies.

    Here’s a sample of an “Issue” page for Immigration. Pretty fascinating stuff:

  4. One of the things that these people being laid off will be finding is that while a few years ago they could pretty easily find another job in journalism (I know, what most of them practice isn’t journalism although I guess it can be argued that what is for the most part being practiced today is not what journalism used to be defined as) it’s going to be a hard slog to find another job in the field and for most of them a failure. Even for the few that do find another job it is likely it will be for less money, fewer readers and a less prestigious position. Hell, after six or seven months unemployed they may even become a Trump supporter.

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