The left says blacks are in danger from whites — THE BIG LIE – IOTW Report

The left says blacks are in danger from whites — THE BIG LIE


Just this month, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released its 2018 survey of criminal victimization. According to the study, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between blacks and whites last year, including white-on-black and black-on-white attacks. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent. That ratio is becoming more skewed, despite the Democratic claim of Trump-inspired white violence. In 2012-13, blacks committed 85 percent of all interracial victimizations between blacks and whites; whites committed 15 percent. From 2015 to 2018, the total number of white victims and the incidence of white victimization have grown as well.  

Blacks are also overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes—by 50 percent—according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017; whites are underrepresented by 24 percent. This is particularly true for anti-gay and anti-Semitic hate crimes.

You would never know such facts from the media or from Democratic talking points. 


23 Comments on The left says blacks are in danger from whites — THE BIG LIE

  1. The scum on the left not only encourage black on white crime they justify it and see it as payback. It’s to the point that government agencies refuse to address incidents and make excuses for attacks. Hate crimes don’t apply when blacks attack whites and they’ll be ignored or covered up. It’s a disgrace, you can’t pick a side in criminal behavior.

  2. They also believe Somali “refuges” are adherents to a religion of peace, that Hunter Biden has skills making him a desirable Board of Directors member, that Trump has impeachable offenses (even though we know where his Birth Certificate and college transcripts are), and that Warren is an emotional/social Indian, among other things I could spend the day listing.

    What idjuts they are!

  3. “Disproportionate impact” is, in fact, real, except it’s the statistically staggering impact that predatory black youths have on literally anyone unfortunate enough to live near them. But you can’t speak that repeatedly verified fact today without, somehow, being racist.

  4. Domestication is difficult work. To put it plain and simple, domesticating some goes against the laws of nature. Many may look cute as babies but soon enough, they grow up and grow into their instinctual urges and primal needs. Some have special needs that can only be met by their natural environment, if separated from that they become increasingly stressed and aggressive over time, which only heightens the risk of danger for you and your family. / Nature Observed /

  5. I watched Bill Maher’s show last week because he occasionally has a guest on who challenges liberal orthodoxy and occasionally insults his audience of braindead lemmings.

    Some black reporter was on claiming that statistics show black men are more involved in raising their kids than white men. To which she then taunted “look it up”.

    In 2011, 72% of black children were born out of wedlock. Per the CDC in 2018, 36% of all abortions were black children.

    Both numbers scream, “Daddy’s home!”

    This can then translate to crime where Mama stands alone in front of the news crew claiming the homeowner didn’t have to shoot her teenage son when he robbed their house in a mask with a gun because he dindu nuffin and also how is he supposed to have anything nice.

  6. jagpald,

    You are wrong *IF* you’re making a blanket indictment against the civilizability of all blacks. Thomas Sowell alone proves that the thesis (which I’m not assuming is yours) is wrong.

    It’s not nature, it’s nurture; it’s how a person is (or isn’t) raised that turns them into either a benefit, or a burden, or a hazard to society.

    Short of that, black people have the same propensity toward sin as white people and everyone else; for ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God. Blacks don’t have a corner on that market, the way I see some posit on different message boards…it only looks like it because the Left targeted and destroyed the black family unit.

    With few exceptions there’s nothing left but generational wreckage but that’s not because they’re black — it’s because their grandparents believed attractive lies and let the Left do it to them.

  7. @ grool,
    I don’t know jagpald. Never saw the name until now. The operative word in his/hers second sentence is “some”…. It appears that when we consider the percentage of population, most whites are either fat and lazy or simply not as violent as “some” blacks.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  8. CB, you’re right, I saw the qualifier ‘some’ but it didn’t register as it should have. Thank you, I am happy to stand corrected….although the term “domestication” is still problematic.

  9. A smart young man once told me. “Sub-Saharan Africa is Sub-Saharan Africa because it’s full of Sub-Saharan Africans.”
    He then went on to explain that this same dynamic can be applied any and everywhere. Detroit Chicago Los Angeles are the way they are because of the people who live there. Not because of someone somewhere else.
    The black community is in freefall because of blacks. Not because of some vague notion of “systemic racism”. White people are not destroying black communities. Aborting black babies at gun point.
    There are plenty of good hard working middle class blacks out there. They’re busy working hard and taking care of their families and themselves. They don’t have time for the horsesh*t going on in the hood. So they don’t get the press.
    And that suits the democrats’ just fine.

  10. Okay, so which is it?

    “Sub-saharan Africans . . . Detroit Chicago Los Angeles are the way they are because of the people who live there. Not because of someone somewhere else . . . The black community is in freefall because of blacks. Not because of some vague notion of “systemic racism”. White people are not destroying black communities.”


    “There are plenty of good hard working middle class blacks out there. They’re busy working hard and taking care of their families and themselves. They don’t have time for the horsesh*t going on in the hood. So they don’t get the press.”

    The second contradicts the assumption implied in the first. Either blacks absolutely COULD manage their own affairs, if they chose to, just as any human being could…or they absolutely CAN’T. Pick one.

  11. @ grool,
    Seem to be a “black or white” (no pun intended) situation this morning. There is also the possibility that some simply refuse to assimilate to civilized society. I cannot speak to the nature/nurture conundrum but here in the U.S.A. we all choose our own path and act accordingly. It wouldn’t be quite so hard if the democrats had not actively embarked on programs that have caused the dissolution of the inner city, two parent family.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  12. In response to “Grool”, I would like to suggest the following. I worked with poor white women and some aboriginal women for 8 years, for a national house-cleaning firm. These women had a “victim” mentality. They were poor because none of them had completed Grade 10, many had their first child in their late teens, causing them to drop out of high school, and the ones with children, were not married. It was “everybody else’s fault” that they were poor. They earned as much as I did, but spent their money on tattoos, fake nails, cigarettes, beer and always bought crap lunches. They never had money for their rent on time and frequently used the food bank to feed their families. I finished high school, had a business for 10 years and owned my house before having my daughter, I do not smoke and I brought my lunch everyday.
    I suggest it is an attitude of poverty which leads to blaming others for your own problems, which you created. It is not exclusively a black problem.

  13. I omitted origin of being in my post above. I almost feel I should apologize if my words triggered hurt feelings in one or all readers. I almost feel I should be ashamed for sharing my observations.

    I’ve had many experiences with a vast array of humans through my many years of travel, residence, and work on several continents and places around the world.

    … But …

    Screw it, if what I posted offended you, pissed you off, or damaged your fragile esteem in any way may I suggest you go curl up and cry your eyes out on your Hello Kitty pillow. You may call and/or think I’m whatever you want, for it’s no business of mine. I really do mean all of that in a good way ;~) … I’ll just go back to lurking, sheesh

  14. Big Momma,

    Absolutely it isn’t a black only problem. I grew up in school with a really cute set of twins who openly aspired to get into the brand new (early ’80s) nice brick housing units that the state had just build. That’s exactly what they did, as soon as they managed to get impregnated while, last I checked, thoroughly unmarried. They were as white as I am, as were 99% of the folks in deep southern Illinois.

  15. JC,

    You’re the one who seemed to posit two contradictory absolutes, not me.

    Either all black folks are fundamentally defective as human beings and so are unable to particpate in a civilized society (obviously untrue)…or…it’s all a matter of defective upbringing leading to many making defective life choices, and leading defective lives.

    Only one of these possibilities can be true.

    I choose option (b).

    To choose option (a) says “It’s not their fault, they can’t help it, that’s the way they’re made,” absolving them of all responsibility and putting the burden for them on the backs of those who can shoulder responsibility for them (meaning, everyone else).

    Option (a) is what the Left wants us to believe about them. It’s what the Left wants blacks to believe about themselves. It’s what the Left ACTUALLY BELIEVES ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE.


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