The Left Should Be Delighted About This Family of the Future – IOTW Report

The Left Should Be Delighted About This Family of the Future



Cristina and Benno met in 2005 when they were both serving in the US military police.

They married four months later and a year into their marriage they had their first child, Isaiah, now 11, and later, Rebecca, seven, and Brianna, six.

But eventually Cristina, who is bisexual, began to feel as though something was missing from her love life.

Cristina, also a legal assistant, said: “Initially, it was my idea to open the marriage. I brought it to Benno’s attention and told him I would like to introduce women to our relationship to see where it goes.

“Other than that we had everything going for us. Three kids, a great relationship and adding Sierra into our lives has just made it a hundred times better, I feel like I’m complete.”

Cristina met Sierra at a local shopping centre in Las Vegas.

They went on a few dates and to Cristina’s delight, Sierra was willing to join her marriage.

Sierra said: “At first I was very hesitant about getting involved with a married couple.

“I was worried that I would be disposable and that this was a phase they were going through.

“But when I spent time with them I realised what they wanted and felt this was a situation I could work with, so I jumped on board.”

The relationship progressed and the three decided to take the next step in their ‘three-lationship’.


38 Comments on The Left Should Be Delighted About This Family of the Future

  1. Good Grief!!! They’re brilliant!!! My word, why hasn’t this been tried before? Why, this could change society for the better! ANd hey, the kids are cool with it, so how could it be wrong, right?


  2. Add this to the just another sign of the times list: THE LOSS OF A MORAL COMPASS.

    We are fooked on all fronts.

    Trump, as a real leader versus a community organizer, mentioned once the disaster that he inherited, then moved to repair our great nation. I’m beginning to believe that the mess that Obama left us is far worse than we are being allowed to know.

    Consider how many years (let’s begin with Clinton / Gore) our problems have festered and been exacerbated by a wrong direction and a useless and corrupt Congress; 25 years, the timespan of an entire generation.

    During this time (which includes our RINO Bush), here are just a few of the daunting issues we face as a direct result of 2.5 decades of damage from poor leadership and dysfunction:

    Clinton / Gore drew down the military to a poorly trained core with no morale, and equipment decaying into disrepair and obsolescence.

    Illegal immigration was unmitigated and encouraged, bringing us to unmanageable numbers of imported poverty, anchor babies, criminals, and contributing to already problematic fiscal crises.

    Government spending reached record levels, possibly irrecoverable deficits and debt face our children’s grandchildren.

    International trade favored all but the U.S. Period.

    The pursuit of social justice ironically resulted in more hatred, violence, and general insolence e.g. rioting, beatdowns, mob rule, disrespect for law and order.

    Add to this the growing threat from Islam within our own borders, and this could be the trigger that brings us to our knees. Consider if the terrorists could bring in a nuke or WMD via a shipping container and take out a major port. Our economy would tank.

    My belief is that we have now crossed over to an unrecoverable state. Taking the military example alone, to bring our military to the point that it needs to be e.g. our fleet to 350 or so ships would take decades (analysis I read says 30 years), during which we will face a formidable threat that has not been held back by political correctness run amok i.e. China and Russia. This is only if we were to start today.

    Trump didn’t just inherit a mess from Obama; he took over the disaster of the last 25 years, and Obama was the straw that crippled the camel. Trump is a brave soul, and the fight for our survival is in his hands. He knows how terribly serious the overall situation is, but wants us to believe that we have a future.

    Godspeed to our POTUS, the first one with the courage to try to turn the tide.

  3. Humans being humans you can bet this will end in acrimony or blood. The ones hurt will be the kids because the “parents” in this little drama will force them to take sides.

  4. OK yeah, it’s the marriage license being removed and transferred that will stop the jealousy. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.
    Dude, you deserve every headache you receive. Prepare to be profiled on 20/20 when they find your body.

  5. Stupid people behaving stupidly – what could go wrong?

    Any marriage – ANY FUCKING MARRIAGE – which contains a member whose first thought is “What about ME?” is doomed to failure. A marriage must be greater than the sum of its parts.

    One selfish asshole is a disaster – TWO selfish assholes is a catastrophe.
    Three selfish assholes – oy!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Anyone who thought he might say no to bringing another woman in… Well, c’mon, really?

    They weren’t living for God in the first place, so anything they “feels” rules.

    You could say he’s stupid for not realizing what Tricky Dick said, but it would just end up that way quicker if he didn’t agree. (BTW, 100 TU for Tricky Dick’s comment.)

    Dude probably thinks he has it all right now. He’ll have nothing soon enough.

  7. @MAJack:”Somehow, I just know I’m going to end up on the hook paying for these kids.”
    You are correct, sir! Both of the original couple are veterans, so benefits will go not just to the kids, but presumably, the new wife.

  8. Tricky Dick April 25, 2017 at 2:14 pm

    He’s too stupid to realize that the 2 women are going to go full on lesbians and kick him to the curb before it’s all over with.

    This one, if you’re serious. Good one, if you’re being funny.

  9. Triangles are always unstable.

    The real winners here are the divorce lawyers. And sooner than Daddy Dude thinks.

    Along the way there may be a slow poisoning, or a fatal “accident ” after his life insurance policies and other bennies are increased to the maximums. Then a trio vacay to somewhere remote, both ladies agree on their tale of his sudden unpreventable demise, boohoos and champagne.

  10. Abram and Sarai already tried this and look what happened!

    I’m so grateful, every day, that I am not in the seat of judgement on stuff like this. I am concerned for the children who “understood” (like hell they do).

  11. Note to young people everywhere..facial piercings are on the red flag list. Unless you just want a little crazy for a distraction, as opposed to pretending to be a stable family. Am I a facial piercing bigot? You bet. Sue me.

  12. Maybe if we quit harping on the sanctity of marriage and focused on the cost of divorce… multiplied by multiple participants in a so-called marriage… *sigh* These adults deserve every bit of torment they will bring upon themselves. Their children do not.

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