The Left still refuses to admit they are condoning violence – IOTW Report

The Left still refuses to admit they are condoning violence

TruthFeed:  Even after the ISIS-like beheading photos and assassination plays, the left STILL refuses to admit their wrongdoing, and continued to urge violence against President Trump, his supporters, and the GOP.

That’s exactly what Stuart Varney of Fox Business declared, and he’s 100% correct.  


8 Comments on The Left still refuses to admit they are condoning violence

  1. The people of the left have always been the violent ones. The jails are full of them.
    If there is violence in your area today it will likely be a liberal
    They have the mindset of children and usually a lower IQ.
    Uneducated boobs

  2. Some historical advice to my fellow beloved Patriotic Anti-Socialists:

    Without a rifle you are nothing, worthless, you are waiting for death, any minute, any second. – Aron Bielski

    Which one? Get one that works, you can hit with and keep working.

  3. The Left is very skilled at doing the exact opposite of what they say.
    For example: The Employee Free Choice Act.
    There is no “free choice” when union goons get to see how you vote!
    The Affordable Care Act: Hardly affordable and no care!
    Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
    America Votes
    Affordable Housing Centers of America
    And on it goes. If you want to know their real agenda look at the name, then figure on the exact opposite! They’ll commit and condone violence then blame it on Trump or a Conservative with the very predictable Knee-Pad Media’s blessing!

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