The left takes extreme offense to a 4 chan joke that refers to them as NPCs. Does the shoe fit too tightly? – IOTW Report

The left takes extreme offense to a 4 chan joke that refers to them as NPCs. Does the shoe fit too tightly?

NY times-

Several months ago, users on 4chan and Reddit, the online message forums, started using the term NPC to refer to liberals. These people, they said, join the anti-Trump crowd not because they are led by independent thought or conscience to oppose President Trump’s policies, but because they’re brainwashed sheep who have been conditioned to parrot left-wing orthodoxy, in the manner of a scripted character.

As a Reddit user, BasedMedicalDoctor, explains in a thread about the appeal of the meme, NPCs are “completely dependent on their programming, and can’t do or think on their own.”

Sort of. There is NPC Wojak — a crudely drawn, gray cartoon avatar with a pointy nose and a blank face.

NPC Wojak is a variation of Wojak, an old cartoon (also known as “feels guy”) that has become a kind of collective mascot for the far-right commenters online. In recent weeks, users on 4chan and Reddit have made all kinds of memes featuring NPC Wojak.

Here is one:


Here is another:

It’s a long story, but the short version is that a group of young, extremely pro-Trump internet trolls have spent the past several years mocking anti-Trump people as whiny, easily triggered snowflakes who are primarily motivated by social acceptance rather than by logic and critical thinking.


Naaa, they’re not whiny and easily triggered… that’s why Twitter banned hundreds of accounts using the NPC theme!

They created dozens of Twitter accounts using fictional NPC personalities, the NPC Wojak avatar and bios like “fighting against Nazi Racist Drumpf Fascist Cheetofinger.” They used these accounts to follow and tweet at one another, as well as at liberals, creating the semblance of an army of resisters mindlessly repeating anti-Trump talking points.

The campaign began as a joke. But a few of the accounts started posting misleading information about the midterm elections, including encouraging liberals to vote on Nov. 7. (Election Day is Nov. 6.)


17 Comments on The left takes extreme offense to a 4 chan joke that refers to them as NPCs. Does the shoe fit too tightly?

  1. “The campaign began as a joke. But a few of the accounts started posting misleading information about the midterm elections, including encouraging liberals to vote on Nov. 7. (Election Day is Nov. 6.)”

    …and the campaign is still a joke. A very old joke. Which the NYT feels the need to explain to its NPC readers, who are so fired up for the Blue Wave that they don’t even know when Election Day is.

    Any other “misleading information” besides an ancient joke? I highly doubt it.

  2. My My MTV – I just listened to I Am I Said the other day.
    Take the lyrics out of the song and say them slowly to yourself without the music –
    “I’ve got an emptiness deep inside, and I’ve tried, but it it won’t let me go.
    And I’m not a man who likes to swear but I never cared for the sound of being alone.
    I am I said. To no one there. And no one heard at all, not even the chair.
    I am I cried. I am said I. And I am lost and I can’t even say why.”

    What a lovely lonely statement. It pretty much sums up the younger generation who need safe spaces and coloring books to deal with the NORMAL stresses of life, let alone the stresses from emergencies and unexpected losses, and who are unable to find the correct words to express themselves.

    They can’t understand the One who is the “I AM” and incapable of figuring out who they are in the big scheme of things, so they actually want to be the essence of NPCs.
    “Tell me what to do, I can’t figure it out for myself.
    Why can’t I make it in this world, someone or something must be holding me back!”
    Which is also why most of the liberal songs have the same liberal theme of “I’m so confused, what’s going on”.
    A perfect example is 4 Non Blondes – What’s Up:


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