The Left Targets Nathan’s Famous After Trump Fundraiser – IOTW Report

The Left Targets Nathan’s Famous After Trump Fundraiser

The executive chairman of Nathan’s Famous hotdogs is a long time friend of the president.

After holding a fundraiser for the president’s re-election, various voices on the left declared their hatred of the iconic New York eatery and have called for a boycott. More

28 Comments on The Left Targets Nathan’s Famous After Trump Fundraiser

  1. I see a number of Nathan’s hot dog packs showing up at my house on the lovely Mrs Chiggerbug’s next trip to the grocery store.

    And just to aggravate a certain “peaceful” segment of “people”, I think I will get her to pick up a few packs of Hebrew Nation dogs, too.

  2. I don’t boycott products over people fundraising for candidates. Simply because I don’t know if they’re also throwing money at other parties as well just to keep the business environment friendly to them.

    What I do boycott is companies who specifically target ME and use words or deeds to convey that.

    For example, when virtue-signalling progtarded Target started the whole tranny fitting rooms and bathrooms thing. That put my safety at risk. Because now you hear about grown men looking under fitting room stalls and over bathroom stalls, attacking teens and toddlers at Target, etc. This invites sick men and women to come in and do sick shit.

    Who is going to oversee this and protect you from this problem? The little 100lb 19 year old girl working in the fitting rooms? What’s she going to do with her walkie-talkie? lol. So because of that, I avoid Target as best I can. I went from 1 visit every 2 weeks to 1 visit in a year or so.
    The aggravation just isn’t worth it.

  3. I’ve been eating Nathan’s for years-very good dog. But why can’t they and the Bun makers come up with a plan to make the same amount of dogs as buns in a package. 🙂

  4. @MJA

    We avoid Target as much as possible. If the wife has to go to the restroom, I stand at the door. She knows that if I see a man go into the women’s restroom, I will suddenly want to express my feminine side and I will be walking right in behind him. When it comes to her safety in public, I can and will instantly turn into a honey badger.

  5. I was just wondering the other day where I could find a good “nazi hotdog,” and then a leftist tweet suggested that Nathan’s was just the thing. So I’ll be goose stepping over to the store to pick me up a package of pure evil deliciousness.

  6. Been buying Oscar Meyer since I learned about their quality controls years ago. But whenever the Freaks start telling me to boycott something, I take a look, instead. Chik-fil-Eh ain’t that great, but is pisses off the pussies, so I eat there occasionally, so looks like I’m gonna hit Costco for a big-ole pack of Nathan’s to wrap up the Summer.

  7. That’s good eatin:

    1 package of Nathans All Beef 1/4 pounders.
    2 Quarts of Saurkraut.
    Put in Crockpot
    Sprinkle with Cumin.
    Heat for 6-8 hours on low-med heat.
    Prepare 2 pounds of mashed taters/mashed taters & cauliflower (if low calorie desired)
    Make 1 quart brown gravy (w/pork or beef stock)

    Layer sauerkraut, potatoes, and hot dogs, top with gravy.

    can serve with succotash (lima beans/corn)

    Definitely white wine from a Pennsylvania Winery.

    The cumin and gravy are my mother’s Vienna touch.

  8. Speaking of sausage and those idjits in New yawk. Let’s eagerly await the Senate’s action on the concealed carry act across State Lines Bill the House just approved! Sure would solve a lot of problems.

  9. Invite Joey chestnut over to your house for dinner, he’ll be guaranteed to eat at least 70 of those Nathan’s hot dogs in 10 minutes. Me I think I would barf all over the place if I ate that many hotdogs at once let alone choke to death. We could all have a barf a rama like Lardass did in Stand By Me with hotdogs instead of blueberry pie. I’m just kidding I like hotdogs but in moderation only. Everything but turkey or chicken hot dogs, if I buy those I give them to the dog, she’s not picky and thinks I am great when I do that.


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