The Left Thinks Gays Are Deviants – IOTW Report

The Left Thinks Gays Are Deviants

The left believes that gays are deviants.

How else is one to interpret the invitation of a group that fetishizes sex with animals to participate in a month of seminars devoted to the LGBT community?

I was led to believe that gays are just like heterosexuals except for who they are attracted to. I want to believe that, but when the left invites in their compadres and they turn out to be freaks that fantasize about sodomizing a horse, I have to question the claim that gays are just like straight people.

If there was a series of seminars on heterosexual sexuality I can assure you that the people responsible for inviting Omar the goat f*cker to speak would be grabbed by the collar and tossed into the alley.

College Fix-

A discussion scheduled for later this month at California State University San Marcos appears slated to delve into the wild world of animal-based sex fetishes.

The event, “Furries Vs. Pet Play,” is one among many slated as the campus marks “gAyPRIL,” billed on the school’s website as a monthlong campuswide celebration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and ally community.

A brief description of the 50-minute discussion, set for April 25 at the campus LGBTQA Pride Center, states on the university’s website: “How much do you know about these two groups? Do you know that they are two different fish in a pond. Come find out why in this weekday discussion.”

Online definitions of “furries” vary, but basically it’s a group of people who enjoy dressing up in human-sized animal costumes. They like to call themselves a “community” and often get together through large conventions. Not all furries turn their fascination into a sexual thing, or have sex in their costumes, but plenty do.

“Pet play,” on the other hand, is described online as a subculture within the BDSM world in which a person likes to pretend to be an animal and engages in submissive and other animal-like behaviors in part to enjoy and achieve sexual gratification. Likewise, the other person gets aroused when their partner role-plays as a pet. Sometimes people use animal tail butt plugs in this capacity to heighten their sexual enjoyment.


Either the LGBT community is admitting they are part of mosaic of depravity or they are simply stupid.

Earlier today I received an email from SamPatriot alerting me to a story published by one of the depraved left. It’s about a president “Trunk” and a president “Plukin.”

It’s tough to write something more pornographic, which is odd given that the rap on Trump was that he said the word “p*ssy” and was a misogynist. In this story that word would be quaint. And the story does not read as a scathing attack on Trump. It reads like you’re meant to get off on it, through the vehicle of the hated Trump.

What a strange lot the left is. They are definitely damaged goods on many levels.

You can find it, if you are so inclined, by searching Moscow Showers Noveltrove.

You’ve been warned that the story is pure porn.


14 Comments on The Left Thinks Gays Are Deviants

  1. “…animal tail butt plugs…”? WTF? I feel like I need to take a shower just reading that. And I’m not looking up the other story, either. These people don’t have enough to do. They have waaaay too much time to dream up new ways to be pervy.

  2. “Pet play” is also a code word for actual bestiality, I.E. this sudden rash of middle aged women live streaming themselves on Facebook/Twitter having sex with their dogs.

    Gays have been pretty “open to” sex with their dogs too, and that’s not new at all.
    30+ years ago gays were pushing both pedophilia and “consensual” sex with household pets, because “no one can silence a heart full of love”.

    No. Propaganda aside, gay brains are vastly different from straight brains. Sex is just one obvious symptom. But it’s just the start.

  3. Those perverts are everywhere. I went to Disneyland and I saw a person dressed as a large mouse, another a duck and a third a dog. They were right there in front of the children. I yelled. “Furries” and started punching and kicking them. Unbelievably, Security threw me out of the park.

  4. Dang, I don’t understand stupid wanting publicity, now, we have every perversion not even imagined, wanting to go public!!!

    Being back the, ‘Don’t air your dirty laundry’, days. This shyte has been around since man began, we just weren’t proud of it. Plus, you got your perverse butt kicked!

  5. The rise in perversion is one sign of the End Times.

    I feel like we are in a similar state to how mankind was just before God flooded the Earth. Recall that the rainbow was God’s promise to never use water again to destroy mankind. Yet, the homosexuals and deviants wave it around like it is their symbol. It is not going to work out well for them.

  6. How many of these Homos are members of PETA ? Dont these freaks know that ALL sex, even consentual sex, with animlas is RAPE !!?

    The left needs to have an enemy. They need to have a target to hate and destroy. Its great when its each other and we were getting close to seeing them kill ine another. Unfortunately it has slowed since they regrouped against Trump. But they are still sick and I hope they kill each other.
    The animal rights division of the Homo Mafia better deploy protesters to stop this event and to shame animal rape. They need to resist their fellow Homos from the sex with children and animals division.

  7. WHAT?

    The “left” finally got something right?

    Homosexuals ARE deviants. By definition. Deviant behavior is deviant – that’s just the way it is. The perverts are trying to “mainstream” deviancy by making it appear that deviancy is far more prevalent than it is – and thus spreading deviancy so that it DOES become widespread and self-fulfilling. The purpose is the triumph of evil and the eventual fall of humanity into an abyss of perversion. It is no coincidence that the Totalitarians insist that the Earth is “overcrowded” and has an excess of some 3 Billion people.

    Ahh … it is an ancient contest.

    izlamo delenda est …

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