The Left Threatens Pelosi Challenger With Physical Violence – IOTW Report

The Left Threatens Pelosi Challenger With Physical Violence

This is the left, folks. Drink it in –>

17 Comments on The Left Threatens Pelosi Challenger With Physical Violence

  1. This is where we need a law that allows for “Preemptive Self Defense”. This antifa asshole is clearly threatening this senior citizen with great bodily harm once no one is looking, and the senior citizen is caught with no support. Shoot him before he gets a chance to “fuck him up”, as he describes it.

  2. Thug: You’re a racist

    Guy running against Pelosi: You don’t know anything about me. What makes you think I’m a racist?

    Thug: Because of the way you look.

    And there my friends is the best example of how to be a libtard. Have ZERO self-awareness. Helen Keller before she was educated had more self-awareness this thug. But this thug thinks he is righteous and is justified in using violence and that opens a whole new topic of why libtards are dangerous.

  3. @SNS – I think L.A. County had the lowest vote percentage for Trump, around 25%. But that’s one out of every four voters who wanted him to be president, in the lowest county result for CA and possibly USA. There is a mix of people everywhere. I sure see it here in the Peoples’ Republic of Santa Monica – lots of conservatives although we are outnumbered.

  4. Hopefully, this goon will attempt to follow through with his threat “when all the cameras aren’t around” and will discover firsthand the power of the 2nd Amendment.

  5. There should be a demand
    that LOUSY Puh – Lousy


    herself from this POS

    Will she do it ?

    Of course not !

    Smellocrats are not subject to scrutiny.

    Ask any smellocrat.

  6. Bad_Brad, I’m so glad you are back and I’m praying for your health.

    You are right about this so-called ‘tough’ guy. Only in his dreams. He may be able to push around the soy-boys, but that’s about it. I hope we hear about the result of this, but I doubt that he will follow through. He already ‘won’ in his mind.

  7. See the sign the Soy-cialist was holding in the background? “You can’t have Capitalism without Racism” This is exhibit #1 why when Trump wins a second term that the Depart of Ed needs to end, in blood and tears if necessary. Common Core should be junked and the people who created/supported it need to go to a work camp and be worked 14 hours a day 7 days a week until they drop dead. We will NEVER win this country back unless we take education and academia.

    I work in an extremely large and very well known academic center. The amount of falsification of research and political biases that go into published peer-reviewed work would shock even the most hardcore of you. I have been writing Trump and my congressional reps for years to no avail. Trump needs 2020 won. This is the only way he can make sweeping reforms to the educational system.

  8. Claudia
    Thanks. There’s going to come a point in time when we need to form “Posses” of able bodied conservatives to track these instigators down and educate them. Threatening elderly people can not be tolerated.


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